Chapter 9

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Two days later, two days since Elena's death, the hardest part was not finding Elena dead on the carpet ground; the hardest part was not having to wash her blood off my heads or tell her parents that their only daughter was murdered, or calling the police, having to tell them that my friend was there in Kristian 's arms lying dead. No the hardest part was watching someone like Kristian cry for two days straight, the hardest part was having to hear him every night waking up from a nightmare and crying himself back to sleep at 4 in the morning and me not being able to comfort him because his door was locked. Also because I wouldn't know what to say as well. He locked himself in there and no one could disturb him.

It's three in the morning and I gasped awake due to the sound of Kristian crying again. He was throwing things now; I could hear the sounds of shattering glass. There was no way I could go another night listening to do this. So I got out of my bed and exited my room. This was your entire fault. I thought to myself. It should have been you. Yeah I was right, it should have been me. They were after me not Elena. I punched the fridge and cringed in pain. "Damn it!" I yelled. This cannot be happening, why does shit like this keep happening. I must be cursed. I grabbed a plate from inside the cabinet and dropped it to the ground and grabbed another and another and another. Then I dropped to the ground and cried. "I am sorry Elena." I say. "Monique?" I didn't turn around to see who it was, I stayed on the cold kitchen floor in only a tank and shorts and continued sulking. "Don't cry please." Carlos crouched in front of me and began whipping the tears from eyes. "It's my fault, I am sorry." I tell Carlos. It was too dark for me to fully see his face but I could tell that he was frowning. "Never Monique. Never say that. You did no such thing." Carlos sits down on the kitchen floor and leans back on the fridge, before pulling me up and placing my head on his lap. "Monique, even if Elena knew that they were looking for you she would have never given you up."

"Exactly but the point Is they were looking for me and Elena had to pay for that." No one should die so young; she barely got the chance to live. She told me that she had big dreams, she wanted to be a doctor, she wanted to help people. And here there is me memory less and can't do anything. "I should never have woken up." Carlos lifts my head up so I could face him this time. "Look at me." He says and I do. "I will be honest with you, the pain will never end, it will always be there somewhere inside you, but it is up to you bury it with happiness."

"I love you Monique, I cannot possibly imagine my life without you. When you were in that comma, I was there by your side every day. If you hadn't woken up I might have died."

"Don't say that." I snap

"It's true Monique, this wasn't your fault okay."

"But Kristian -"

"He'll eventually be okay." I didn't argue with Carlos, I laid my head on his shoulder and we sat there, on the kitchen floor leaning against the fridge.

"Carlos." I finally say once I'd stopped crying. "Yes love." He kisses the top of my head and continues stroking my hair.

"I love you too." 

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