Chapter 16

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"Have you ever been in love Kristian?" I ask, laying a spread on the beach floor. The sun was hot against my body keeping me warm and the sand beneath my fingers felt kind of soothing. I had my eyes closed as the radiant sun beat over them. Man I love nature, it's so pure, so natural so breathtaking and just so peaceful. "Have you?" He asks, pulling my body close to his. I open my eyes to gaze into his; he was turned on his side and store back. He was so beautiful, especially with the sun beating off his perfectly tan skin and dark hair. I search his eyes for my answer, have I ever been in love. I thought. Is this love that, what we have here? Shouldn't I know the answer? I thought for a while and as I thought I continued to stare into Kristian's eyes, hoping that they would somehow tell me the answer. Then that's when I finally got it. "Well?" He asked again and this time I leaned in and gave him a swift kiss on the lips. "Yes." I answered. "I love you." Kristian blinked a few times, registering everything that I just said then he eventually smiled and leaned in and kissed me back. "I love you too."

My eyes, throw themselves open and I gaze around at my environment. I was in my room; I don't really remember going to bed though was I drunk, again? I try and recall what happened yesterday and that's when I remember. Great now I am not going to hear the end of it from both Kristian and Dylan. Might as well get it over with now, when they are too tired to chit chat. So I push myself out of bed, change into a pair of sweats and crop top then exited my room quietly. My hair was a complete mess but I guess that didn't matter, I wasn't going anywhere-not like I have a choice.

I peeked at the living room but there was no one there. I checked upstairs, and opened the guestroom and saw Dylan lying flat on her back, fast asleep. She looked so peaceful and doesn't seem like the morning person; hence I shut the door softly and tiptoed back down the stairs in search of Kristian. Where the hell could he be? His sweater was on the couch so he had to still be here right? I decided to head towards the balcony, but I doubt he'd be there, he is not the 'take in the scenery' type of guy. Boy was I wrong, I opened my balcony door and there he was, but I was right about one thing, he most definitely wasn't gazing out at how beautiful this day was. Nope he was cursing instead. Cursing at what? Well I am about to find out.

"You alright?" I ask, approaching him slowly.

"No, I am not." He throws one of his hands in his dark hair flustered. "Care to share?" I fold my arms over my chest and hold a teasing smiling on my face but when Kristian looks up at me he doesn't seem amused. Whatever he was stressing over, was clearly upsetting to him, so I stop teasing him and look at him seriously and earnestly. "I can't dance." He mumbles. I stare at him confused. "What do you mean, you can't?"

"I mean I can't, I have been trying to like a kick step, kick ball change, followed by slow rocks and isolations but every time I tried I crumbled or like lost balance."

"Well how about we try taking things slow, you got to walk before you can run you know?"

"But I already know how to run." Kristian pouts.

"But you don't remember, now come on let's slow dance."

"But that's basic I can do that." I ignore him and grab him by both of his hands-surprising him-then placed them on either sides of my waist. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and put on 'Rockabye' by Sean Paul. "This isn't a slow song." Kristian immediately indicates after I play the song. I throw my arms around his neck. "Well then you better keep up." I smirk and sway my hips left and right and move forward and back in a nice basic salsa steps. Kristian leads without realizing it and I just follow along. When the beat started to rise, Kristian spun me and pulled me in close and we continued to do the salsa moves and then he twirled me again and repeated the same steps about four times leading into the chorus. That's when he surprised me by lifting me up by my hips and spinning me around slowly. Gazing up at me as I gazed down into his emerald eyes, they shimmered from where I was. Our eyes continued to stay locked as he lowered me down, and I just swayed my hips while he held me close. We continued to stare in silence, waiting for the bridge to pass by and once the chorus came back in I spun away from him, giving him a chance to freestyle as I did. For a moment he seemed worried, and anxious about doing more complicated moves, but I gave him a reassuring look and suddenly everything was better. He was loose and moving like the dancer he is. I continued to do my own thing as the chorus continued on. Kristian grabbed me by the arm as the song slowly began to end, he twirled me into his arms, placing his arms back on my waist and I wrapped mine back around his neck. We were slow dancing now, off sync with the now ended song. "Thank you." He mumbled.

"For what." I mumbled back. We were so close and now that I think about it I don't think we have ever been this close to each other before. "For helping me."

"No thanks needed; I am just glad that I was able to help."

I hadn't realized how we've stopped moving till now. We stood in silence staring long and deep into each other's eyes, wondering what the other was thinking. His eyes started to flicker back and forth between my eyes and my lips and I started to do the same. We inched closer and closer and I began to close my eyes as we went in for the kill. The sound of someone clearing their throat, startled me out of my trance, I pushed Kristian away from me and turned over and saw Dylan. Shit. Was all I thought "So uh, what y'all doing out here?" "Uh Kristian was stressing about his dancing and...I was just helping." I run my hand through my hair embarrassed and Dylan crosses her arms over her chest out of disbelief. "Mhm." Kristian doesn't say anything to back our case up, instead he pushes past Dylan and enters my condo, leaving both Dylan and I to talk of course. 

I couldn't look at Dylan, I know she was pissed. Or maybe disappointed but what I really knew for sure was that she was not content. "Look," She finally says. "I can't be mad at you for not remembering how Kristian is like or what you guys had, but I can be mad at you for not realizing how this could hurt my brother." I think carefully about what I am going to say to back up what had almost happened there. "I..." I begin. "I keep having these visions of Kristian and I think that is what keeps driving me to him." Perhaps that wasn't the wisest excuse to go with, however that was the only I got. "Well you two did date before and so did you and Carlos and when it came down to your feelings, in the end you had chosen Carlos." "I can't help but feel that you have something against Kristian and I being together and don't get me wrong I really like Carlos. I am just confused." Dylan sighs, removing her glasses from her face and placing them over her head, exposing her hazel eyes. Almost in comparison to Carlos's; his were chocolatey brown. When he looked at you it was almost like he was staring into your soul. In a way he drowns you with his eyes without you being aware. Then Dylan's, it was like a goddess was staring at you because of the specks of gold that encircled the hazel parts. "That's because I do. You broke his heart, and Kristian doesn't get mad."

"He gets sad then?" Dylan walks closer so that now she was standing right in front of me. Her face was serious, real serious. "No," She says quietly, but sternly. "He gets even." Dylan turns away from me and exits my balcony. I let what she says sink in and I can't help but wonder. So was Kristian playing me this whole time?


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