Chapter 2

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          We drove in silence, Carlos at the wheel and me in the passenger seat. He looks nice today in his polo shirt and khakis, but his shades hid his eyes, shielding them from me, so I wouldn't be able to make out his facial expression. So I wouldn't be able to see the pain and disappointment in his eyes. When I woke up he expected to see the old Monique and I am just sorry that I couldn't do that. I am sorry that I don't remember. It is really hot wherever we are, I still do not know what city or town or country we are in. So I decided that I will break the silence by asking. "What city are we in?" "Monte Carlo" I love how he says that, how he rolled the 'r' it sounded kind of hot. Though he can't possibly be from here because the majority of the people are French and he sounds Spanish. "Are you from here?" I ask and he chuckles a bit and shakes his head no. "I'm from Venezuela." Now that made a little more sense. "Nice." I wanted to ask more, to ask him more about myself and what happened to me or how we started dating but at the same time I did not want to overwhelm myself with too many things. Maybe I can remember on my own. Carlos stops at a gate big gate and puts his window down. A big Caucasian male in a security guard attire walks up to the car with a big smile on his face. "Good morning sir and welcome back Mrs. Rodriguez." I smile at the man and Carlos removes his shades to look at him. "George my good man, no need for the formalities we are all friends here. Could you open the gate for us please?" Carlos says, returning the smile.

"Why of course sir."

After driving through what seemed like a jungle, we finally arrived at the house that does not look like a house at all. It's a mansion, a really big mansion. "Holy shit," I mumble. Carlos laughs as he exits the car. Before I even get the chance to exit my side, he had already opened the door for me and hung his hand out for me to grab and I did. "When I first brought you here, that was the first thing you'd said when we first arrive. I told you that my parents had this small place out here in Monte Carlo and here you were surprised to see that the 'small place' was not so small after all." This time I laughed as we entered through the door. "Are your parents like royalty or something?" He smiles at me and links his arms with mine as we walk through the place. "No my dad is CEO of a big business franchise and my mom is a fashion designer." My eyes widened out of surprise, "Wow that is so good." He shrugs as if it was nothing and opens the door to a rather large room. "This is your room." I gasp and enter. This is my room? No way... There is a queen size bed at the far back and a large window behind it. I have a walk in closet a massive dresser and mirror, a desk, a bathroom and two divans. "I have laid out a dress to your tastes on the bed; meet me down in half an hour for dinner. I am having your favorite meal prepared." I nod quickly, still amazed by how big my room is.

I finish taking a nice cold shower, letting the water run down over my head and through my hair. It felt good to finally take a shower. It also felt good to blow dry my hair and put it up, so I could get ready. The dress was beautiful; it was a silk, red gown with a slit on the right side, exposing my one leg. There were also heels to go with the gown but I'd prefer to go barefooted. I released my hair from its pony tail and let it drop down to my shoulders. There was a knock on my door seconds later and I opened it to finding the butler I think. "Miss. Monique, are you all set?" I nod my head silently. "Very well, follow me I will lead you to where Master Carlos is located." I nod once again and follow the tall male butler as we exit down the stairway.

After we arrive I gawk at what is set, just for me. There were candles lit everywhere; the lighting was dimmed down perfectly so that it was not too dark and not too bright inside, giving the room a romantic glow. There was a circular table set with plates and silverware, though the only thing missing was Carlos. I spun around to ask the butler where he was but the butler was also nowhere to be seen. "Lovely..." I say, running my hand through my hair. I stand there for a few minutes and that's when I am startled by arms that embrace me out of nowhere. Without realizing I elbowed the person in the stomach, grabbed them by the arm and flipped them over my shoulder onto the ground. I panted and I gasped when I saw who it was. "Carlos, what the hell?" I throw my hands in my hair out of frustration and Carlos moans in pain. "What are you Wonder woman now?" He slowly rolls onto his side as he says. "Well you scared me." I can't believe he did that; I could have really hurt him. "Where and when did you learn how to do that?" Why does he keep ignoring the problem at hand? "Why did you do that?" I help him up and walk him over to the couch. "What's the butler's name?" I ask, because there must be a bruise on his back or leg or head and I have no idea where the ice is. "Leo." I nod my head and yell, "Leo!" a few seconds later he arrives. "Oh my, Master Carlos what happened?"

"Well let's just say Monique is a ninja now." He tries to laugh but moans in pain. "He snuck up on me so I kind of flipped him, like why would he do that?" Leo laughs. "Because you enjoy it, whenever you two had dates he would do that." Of course and I did not remember that because of this stupid amnesia crap. "Well I guess I couldn't have known because me having amnesia and all." Leo looks at me in shock and I sigh annoyed. "Could you please get him some ice, I am heading to bed." Leo nods and I get up from the couch and begin to head out. "Monique..." I hear Carlos say and I stop with my back towards him and wait for him to say something, anything that will give me a reason to stay but he doesn't so I continue on walking. I cannot continue a date that has too many obscurities. I am already obscure enough.



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