Chapter 21

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"Monique, when I agreed to staying at your pops I did not sign up for this!" Kristian says from inside the fighting dome as he gets tossed on his ass for the millionth time. I asked my father to have his men train my friends as well, because they need to know how to defend themselves. Also Dylan's parents demanded that they learned as well. While Dylan's parents are searching for any sign of where Carlos could possibly be, they instructed us to stay under the radar and prepare ourselves so we could be ready once they find them. They want my dad and I for a reason that I am still yet to understand. Before I fell asleep last night my father had entered my room. "Modesté, are you awake?" He had said. I was laying down in bed with my back to him and my eyes wide open. However, I said nothing. He must have assumed that I was sleeping so he did not turn the lights on, but he did not leave either. Instead he carefully took a seat behind me and stroked the half of my hair that was no longer there, that no longer grew. He must feel guilty, he should feel guilty. My father was quiet for a long time and it was starting to get a little awkward until he began talking. He told my 'sleeping' self that he used to train me when I was young because our family is a line of trained assassins. We kill who we are assigned to kill and they are supposed to be bad people, the worse of the worst. So my father was training both me and my brother. Apparently I had a brother but he died. My dad said that I learned very quickly and become so good, too good actually, better than my own older brother. That's when I became a target. People wanted me to either kill for them or be killed. My father says that he told them no, so they became infuriated and killed my brother and my mother, they were going after my whole family but failed to get my father and I. I was about ten at the time and my father says that I could have taken them all if he gave me the chance but he didn't, he didn't want me to be placed with that responsibility so he erased my memories and left me to live with Kristian, something Kristian never told me. I was just a normal girl, living a so called 'normal life', not remembering that I had a brother, a mother who was murdered and a father who may not of abandoned me after all but who had been trying to lead the other assassins as far away from me as possible. Until they eventually found me. Before my father left my room he said, "I'm sorry that you think that I wasn't there for you, I'm sorry that I couldn't stop whoever from attacking you but I am not sorry for giving up a life with my only daughter, my only breathing family in order to protect you. I do hope you can forgive me Modesté." Little did he know that I'd already forgiven him.

Kristian doesn't get up after getting knocked on his ass once more. He just moans and lies there on the cold floor. That's what he gets for deciding to go first. The assassin with him is obviously at his full strength since Kristian is the first one to go in but he clearly didn't think about that. Dylan wanted to go next to get it over with because she too was not too thrilled about this idea as well. She claims that she is not a fighter and to be honest I don't that is true for anybody. We all have a little bit of fight inside of us. "Don't be a baby Kristian get up!" I yell, not sure if he'll hear me. Kristian was still on the ground after I'd yelled and I sigh, slapping my palm to my face. The assassin was teaching him a few defensive techniques and Kristian was not getting them right away; maybe because he wasn't even trying. I realize that he wasn't even taking this as serious as he was supposed to. I get up and walk towards the glass door and enter it, trudging my way towards Kristian. I stood in front of the assassin and bowed out of respect while saying, "thank you, but I'll take it from here." He bowed back and walked away.

"What are you doing?" Kristian mumbles, still lying on the ground. He had on all black and his dark hair was all ruffled up. It looked kind of cute, but I shake my head at that thought.

"I'm your teacher now, get up." I throw my arm out in front of Kristian and he scoffs before accepting it. After hauling him up I straighten him up and place his hands out in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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