Chapter 19

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I thrust my sword, penetrating a man in black attire, resembling a ninja, but with a gun. How pathetic. He was holding a lady in his hand, probably trying to find out if he could direct her to me well here I am and there he is, dead.

"Go somewhere and hide." I say, the lady nodded her head quickly and hurried off. Next I head towards the sound of the machine gun. He was coming from the foyer where a bunch of people were, he was shouting, asking them where I was and shouting my father's name as well. I sigh out of frustration and walk in slowly.

"I'm right here jackass."

Right away this ninja guy whips his gun around and starts firing. I front flip about a hundred meters and then start running, trying to approach this guy by the side. There were people everywhere, running like maniacs and screaming loud.

"Everyone get down!" I shout and they all do as their told and simultaneously drop to the ground, making it easier for me to see the ninja. I pulled up my sword and held it with both hands as I ran and swung it in front of me, shielding myself from all the bullets that flew at me. It was as if they came at me in slow motion, because I could see them all. Once the ninja notices this, he tosses his gun aside and he too pulls out a sword from his holster. We begin to both sword fight, he thrusted his sword down and I instantly saw this coming and blocked him before he could get me, then he thrusted his sword at my hip and I blocked and this time he caught me off guard by aiming for my face. I pull my sword up to block his attack but not in time to keep him from slashing the side of my face, striking my cheek. I was taken off guard by the hit and he notices, and then kicks me to the ground. My grip is loosened from my sword and it goes flying out of my hand. I reach over to try and grab it but the ninja stomps right on my hand and I groan in pain. Bitch.

"Damn, Malic told me you were good but not that good, I got to hand it to you, you're something and it will be truly an honor to end you in the name of Malic." The ninja pulls up his sword, preparing to thrust me with it and I back crawl away, trying to get out of harm's way and then right when he was going to thrust; bullets penetrate him right in the back and he falls back dead. I sigh out of relief and look up to see my father with a revolver clenched in his hand.

"How am I doing now?" He asks and I know that he is referring to the him protecting me thing.

"I can take care of myself." I hiss and pull myself up onto my feet.

"Clearly." He rolls his eyes.

"Now come, until we find your boyfriend, your friends can stay with me." And as much as I wanted to decline that offer, I couldn't risk my friend's safety again so I said nothing. I retrieved my sword, placed it in my holster and trailed behind my father silently. 

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