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I walk through the forest, still in the green dress that I had worn on my date with Carlos. He has no idea that I am out but I will let him know as soon as I got back, as soon as I found the creep that kept calling me. He says that he is searching for my father and won't leave me alone till I give him up, though the thing is even if I wanted to I couldn't give up my father because I have no idea where he is. He ran out on me a long time ago, so if the creep wants my dad then he is going to have to find him, himself. It was very dark out; I could hear the cooing of the owls that blend in with the forest trees. Perhaps it is not the best time to be out, but this may be the only chance that I get to capture this guy. Kristian was supposed to come with me, but I know that he is still pretty pissed at me. We can talk about it in the morning; he'll be all cooled off by then. Nevertheless I continue walking slowly, trying hard not to step on any tree branches that lie along the forest grounds. It was hard to see, with the only light here being the moons reflected light. I wonder why the creep that had called me would choose his hideout to be located in the depths of this very forest. He probably thought that he was untraceable here, but boy was he wrong. I don't even know what I am going to say or do once I reached his hideout. Maybe something like, "Hey, it's Monique, you know the girl you keep calling? Yeah well I have tracked you down, only to tell you that I have no idea where my father is so could you leave me alone before I call the cops?" Yeah, now that sounds quite intimidating and threatening. I nod my head pleased and continue tiptoeing through the forest. The further I got, the more scared I began to get. I checked my phone every now and then to ensure that I was still heading in the right direction. This time it shown that the hideout was just up ahead. Finally. I arrive at a large boulder, now this can't be right. I expected a trailer or maybe a tent or something. Once again I check my phone to verify whether I was at the correct location or not and it clearly shown that I was. A big sigh escapes my lips. Now what? I thought. There was no way of calling this mysterious person, because they always called me on private. Just as I was about to circle around I heard a large crack from behind me and I didn't hesitate to turn my whole body around. However, there was no one. "Hello?" I call out. Maybe not the best idea, but I couldn't help it. It's instinct. No one responded of course, so I slowly turned back around and scoped for something that could look remotely like a hideout of some kind. There was another crack. This time I immediately began to run, the hell with this, I am just going to stick to calling the cops. As I was running I checked behind me to see if there was anybody following and I saw nothing. Then I shakenly pulled out my phone and scrolled down my call list, holding my thumb over both Carlos and Kristian 's name. I bite down on my lip not knowing which one to go with; I think about it for a couple more seconds and finally decide to go with Kristian 's. It rang a couple of times, "come on Kristian pick up." I panted, but it went to voicemail. After I heard the beep I left a message. "Kristian , I need you to come Glen forest, I was tracking down the creep and I think he is chasing after me, I might be paranoid but I need-" I couldn't finish, because I had rammed right into something hard. The phone went flying and I fell back onto the ground. I lifted my self up slowly into a sitting position and rubbed my head in pain. "What the-" I began and stopped once I saw what I had rammed into. It was a male, I couldn't see him clearly, but it didn't take me long to immediately figure out that it was the creep. I skootched back quickly and he walked closer towards me. "I-I told you that I don't know where my father is." I stuttered. The guy chuckled and crouched right in front of me. "That's alright; I thought I needed you both."

"For what?" I am so confused right now.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that." He pulls my chin closer so I could see his face and I whip my face right out of his grasp and scoff at him out of disgust. "What are you going to do to me?" I ask but he just ignores me. "Man if I had known that you don't remember shit then I would have killed you a long time ago."

"Remember what?"


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