Chapter 11

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"Monique, check what Carlos and I have thought of." I look up from the book that I was so intently reading till Kristian and Carlos showed up and I roll my eyes. "Honestly Kristian if it is the whole you and Carlos can toss cereal in your mouths then I will not be amused." The first time they showed me that trick quite frankly even two year olds can do, I was practicing my foot work with the katana's that Carlos had given me and well Kristian almost ended up shish cabbed and Carlos almost became the hottest version of the headless horsemen. So I resorted to a safer activity just in case they tried something like that again. "Nah we are so over that." "Yeah we have thought of something way better." Carlos adds on. I roll my eye once more and book mark my page before placing it under my seat. A perfectly sunny day ruined and a complete waste of a bikini; unless the boys actually give me a reason to stay on deck. "Well..." I lower my sunglasses so the boys could see the serious expression that I held upon my face. Carlos smiles and runs his hand through his short curly hair and Kristian winks at me. "Okay Cupcake, check this." Kristian reaches over, picks me up and before I know it I was over his shoulder, pounded at his back. "Kristian put me down, now! What kind of trick is this?" I continued on saying but Kristian only laughs. "" He ignored me and watched as I was carried off. Kristian threw me off his shoulder and I plunged straight into the pool below. Once I surfaced, I shrieked out of annoyance and both Kristian and Carlos booked it out of there. I swam until I reached the edge of the pool and pulled myself up. "My oh my, they sure got you good." Leo commented, handing me a towel from his handful of towels. "Thanks," I mumbled. I patted my hair with the towel then handed it back to Leo. "I am going to kick both their asses."

"Oh but miss Monique, violence is never the answer."

"Trust me Leo they could use it."

"No I mean why not just beat them at their own game?"

"What do you mean?"

"Clearly you have much more to learn, now come dear child." Leo beckons me to follow him and I do.

Leo is a mastermind, a magnificent mastermind I may add. We decided that I should take them down one at a time, starting with Kristian . He was just about to go shower, so I quickly swapped the bottle from his bathroom and rushed out. I could hear Kristian 's footsteps, too late to leave his room now. My eyes wandered everywhere in search of somewhere to hide and finally I decided to go with his closet. As soon as I was in I was lost. It was like walking through a maze in here. I continued down the closet till I found a shirt that caught my eyes. I instantly zoned out remembering something or envisioning something.

I walk along the edge of the water fall. Kristian freaks out far behind me, gasping everything I make a sudden move. "Monique, please could you stand over here. Your mom will kick my ass if I tell her that her only daughter fell down a waterfall." I laugh and turn around. Relief flooded Kristian 's face. I hadn't noticed how dark the skies had gotten and neither had Kristian . He looked up at the sky and cursed. "Didn't the damn weather man say it was supposed to be all sunny?" I shrug my shoulders, "I don't listen to that crap." I intertwine my hand with Kristian 's as we descended down to head back to the car. Just as we reached the bottom it began to pour. "Aw no." I wailed. I only had on a t shirt and shorts. "Come on." Kristian dragged me through the forest and we both giggled as we both got soaked and ran through the thickness of the forest hand in hand. Once we arrived at the car, Kristian through it wide open rushing me in the back seat and he followed behind, slamming the door shut behind him. I fold my arms over my chest and shiver. "Aw babe hang on." Kristian removes his jacket and tosses it to the ground then removes his shirt and hands it to me. I remove my shirt and toss it next to his jacket then place his dry shirt over me. It was big on me but it smelled nice. It was grey with the word, "Treasure" on it in big letters. He then reached behind his seat in search of something and a tattoo of his catches my eye. A tattoo that I've never seen before. It looked like a bunch of symbols on his shoulder blade. When he turns back around he holds a blanket in his hands and wraps it over my legs. "Thanks," I say, pulling him in close, sharing the blanket. We cuddle in the back seat of the car in silence while I think of what that tattoo could possibly mean. "You've been quiet, what's up? He asks.

"What do the symbols on your tattoo mean?"

"The top is in Chinese the bottoms is in Japanese."

"What does it stand for?"


I am awakened from my memory from the sudden shrill coming from the bathroom. "Monique!" And that's my cue to leave.

Carlos's turn, though I could hardly focus all I could think about was what that tattoo meant. I have seen Kristian shirtless before but I have not noticed a tattoo, maybe he got it removed or maybe that was not a memory maybe that was just a day dream, because no one has told me that I dated Kristian and I am pretty sure if I did then someone would have told me. I shake off the memory for now and ready myself to get Carlos. Leo helped a lot by blending the stuff that I was going to have drop on his head. Let's just say that Leo is a huge fan of messing with people's hair. Kristian is still in the shower removing it was that Leo had mixed into that fake shampoo bottle. I pour the stuff that Leo had made into a bucket and waited on top of the stair case for Carlos's arrival. Leo had already called him so it was just a matter of time before he got here. This was actually pretty fun. I liked it when both Kristian and Carlos were home, and they have both been pouty these past few weeks so I am glad they have bounced back now. Dylan went back home, her job was calling her and we were all sad about her having to leave again and so was she but she said that she would visit as soon as possible. Carlos finally walked in. "Monique?" He looked around in search of me and I quickly tilted the bucket causing the beige color substance to plop all over Carlos's hair. He laughed and shook his head. "Monique!" He yelled. I hurry out of there and down the hall, but stop as soon as I spot Kristian. "Going somewhere?" He folds his arms over his chest and I turned to run in the opposite but Kristian grabs a hold of me by my arm and pulls me back. "Not so fast cupcake. Care to explain what the hell is in my hair?"

"Don't forget about mine." Carlos walks in saying, waiting for an explanation. I just shrug my shoulders and smile smugly.


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