Chapter 4

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Papi, why can't I tell Mama that we are doing this?" the little girl holds her boa out just like how her Papi says. "Because we are going to surprise her, don't you want to surprise your mama, my babino?" She nods her head,
"Yes papi." He fixes her stance and holds out his boa in a stance, showing her what she should do next. "Like this my babino." She carefully copy's what he is doing, "Like this papi?" Her father claps his hands and nods impressed. "You are going to make an excellent warrior Modesté."

I wake up from my nap and check the time. It's two thirty. I have been asleep for two hours. And in those two hours, Carlos has called me: one...two...three...twenty times. I sigh before placing my phone back down. I change out of my shorts and look inside this closet for something I could wear. There were so many clothes in here that it was hard to decide. The clothes ranged from formal wear like: dresses, skirts, dress shirts and other formal wear that I couldn't wear. To so called 'casual wear' that include: crop tops, jeans, a few hoodies, yoga pants and fancy t-shirts with fancy imprints.

In the end I decide to go with camo pants and a white crop top, then exiting my room in search for Leo. Now that I think about it maybe my camo's were a little too baggy, I tug on the fabric as I descend down stairs and just shrug it off. I loved the feeling of the fabric though just hanging at the rim of my hips, and swooshing with every step I took. My crop top revealed skin but not too much skin just my belly button, which I am debating on whether or not I should get pierced or not. Probably a topic I shouldn't discuss with Carlos. He would definitely have kittens if he found out that I wanted to change any part of my body and plus I bet it is something that the old me wouldn't have done. I walk the opposite way from the kitchen, hoping that Leo isn't in there and hoping that I will not run into that guy again, because we all know how that turned out. But just in case you don't then let's recap shall we?

So first I nearly shish kabab him with that knife stunt that I pulled

Second, we got into this argument about

Third, I insulted him for counting like a little girl and last I told him about my whole amnesia issue, so that is going to be awkward.

I finally find Leo in the laundry room. "Hey Leo." I call out, startling him. He turns around and smiles. "Miss Monique, how was your nap?"

"It was good, how did you know I was napping?" He freezes in place, and realizing that he already gave himself away he sighs. "Master Carlos demanded that I checked to see if you were alright." I laugh and roll my eyes, of course he did. "Is he always so over protective, I am his girlfriend not his wife." Leo smiles back, "Well ever since the incident he has hired more guards and added more cameras' and has three spare keys to your bedroom." Lovely... "So Leo how long have you been working for Carlos." Leo folds clothes as he thinks. "I worked for his mother ever since his sister was three years old. I'd grown very fond of the family and once Carlos turned 18 I thought I'd be let go because he was their last child and was too old but Miss Aurora, their mother requested that I'd go with master Carlos and master Carlos happily agreed. So 24 years. "Wow, well Carlos does seem to favor you and the guard at the entrance more anyways." Leo nods, "Ah George, yes. He finds him quite funny. He's been around for a few years."

"So Miss Monique was there something you needed?"

"Oh yeah, is their anywhere close by that I could just relax?"

I walk along the shore of the beach, pressing my toes into the warm sand, taking the time to feel through every sand particle. The sun was beating against my skin and the wind was blowing through my dark hair. This place has everything, an indoor pool, a beach right outside, and a tennis court on the other side of the mansion. At least when I want to get away from everyone and hide, then I can. And this would make playing hide and go seek so sick and exciting. "Hey Monique." I search for a weapon to throw but all that was in my range of sight was sand so I whip my head around, and relax a little when I see who it is. This whole violent thoughts that keep popping in my mind need to stop, why when I hear someone approaching me, can't I refrain myself from either flipping them or throwing sharp objects at them? Like is that even normal? "What are you doing here?" I ask. "I could ask you the same thing," I shrug my shoulders, "I needed some air."

"Well I was looking for you."

"For what?"

"To apologize, I am sorry about earlier."

"Yeah and I am sorry for throwing the knife, I get on edge when people sneak up on me."

"That was hot though, even though you nearly killed me." My cheeks heat up from him calling me hot and I turn away so he couldn't see that his compliment had an effect on me. "Wanna surf?" I turn around to face him again, "Surf?" I ask. "Yes, you know like you go on a board and-" I roll my eyes. "Yes I know what Surfing is genius. I mean like remember I don't know how to surf, no memories. "Instead of being all sensitive the guy that I am still yet to know what his name is, starts laughing. "Monique you never surfed before, you were never much of a risk taker either. You were kind of a pussy." I folded my arms over my chest and placed my hand on my chest insulted. Then I smirked. I guess I am going to have to show him who the pussy really is.

"Do you have any orange boards?"

I walk through the school halls with my books in my hands and my earbuds plugged into my ears. I continue on walking as the clock ticked on, reminding me that the five minute bell was soon to come. It's the first day of my junior year and I would like to make a good impression. Just as I was about to enter my calculus class, I am suddenly pulled by the back of my shirt, sending me flying backwards. My books drop to the ground and I nearly lose my balance and fall on my face. I turn around to face the dumbass that had the nerve to do that and before I could see their face or confront them, my lips were pressed against theirs. I pull myself away quickly and lift my hand up to slap them but lower it down right away once I realize who it is. "Kristian you dirty dog, you scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry cupcake but when I saw your cute little body walking in the halls I just had to. Man I have missed you."

"I've missed you too, when did you get back from swim camp?"

"Last night." I frown and fold my arms over my chest. I have been waiting since July to see him and he doesn't even have the decency to call? "And you didn't even call how rude." Kristian gives me one of his signature smirks and grabs both of my hands. "Trust me that was on the top of my list once I arrived back but I was so tired after the long drive." I nod, understanding. "I know baby, I'm just teasing." I give him a flirtatious grin and Kristian gives me a peck on the lips and this time I accept.

"Hey Monique!" I shake my head out of my trance and look off to where the sound of my name being called had come from. I was standing on my board moving up and down through the waves that this guy thought I wouldn't have gotten. "What!" I shout. He was far back behind, gawking at me as he lay on his board, paddling towards a wave. I watched as he approached a wave and slowly rose from his board. His tan skin glistened in the sunlight and when he turned around to face me I could see his bright blue eyes, sparkle like the water. "Monique look out!" The guy points behind me and I turn around but the wave engulfs me before I could get away. I twirl through the water and flip as the wave comes crashing down on me. I try and hold my breath but the salt water forces open my mouth and water comes flooding through my mouth, suffocating me and relieving me of air.

I wake up choking out water, and lying within the guy's arms. He stares at me with relief and pulls out his towel from behind him and places it over me. "Damn, you cute little show off, scared me shitless. Carlos would've kicked my ass if anything happened to you."

"How did you get to me so fast?" I manage to choke out.

"Well I use to be a lifeguard and a pre good swimmer."

"Well thanks."

"I should take you inside to warm up."

"Wait, I still don't know your name."

"Kristian . "


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