Chapter 14

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Through all that shooting and killing and bombing, no cops even had the decency to show up. So I had to ring them up asking them how the hell they did not know that there was a shooting at the mansion. They didn't even apologize, instead the women that I spoke with asked if we were alright, like no bitch we are not fucking alright. Then she said that the cops should be here in ten minutes. Meanwhile, Kristian was unconscious in the back seat and Leo being the 'impressive' driver he is, swerved in and out of lanes, gaining several honks from not pleased drivers. "Holy crap," I cursed out of panic, gripping onto the edge of my seat. "My apologies Miss Monique," he says. "Don't worry; we got to get Kristian to the hospital." I explain. According to the GPS we were just two minutes away from the hospital. "Have you heard from Master Carlos?" Leo asks, still swerving in and out lanes. "Oh crap I completely forgot." I curse once more. I turn around and reach over in Kristian's pocket, pulling his phone out. Thankfully there was no code, so I just slid the screen to the right. Carlos's name was thankfully just Carlos and not some crazy ass name that Kristian would have thought was creative. I raise the phone to my ear, listening to the consistent rings. Waiting for him to answer; he must have no idea what is going on poor thing. Or maybe the mansion is on the news by now and he is hopefully on his break, though then he would be worried sick. I continued listening to the rings till it hit his voicemail. "Hey it's Carlos, leave a message." Then followed by a beep. "Hey Carlos we are okay, we are just arriving at the hospital now. Call me back on Kristian's phone when you get this." I press the red end button and place the phone in my shorts pocket. "He didn't pick up." I sigh. "Don't worry Miss Monique as soon as he notices the miscall he will excuse himself from class and respond quickly." I nod my head in agreement and both Leo and I hop out of the car to retrieve Kristian.

I pace back and forth outside Kristian's room; still nothing from the doctors and I lift up his phone and still no calls from Carlos as well. It's been ten minutes, shouldn't he know by now? Carlos does not take this long to respond to a missed call. Maybe I should go get him instead. Though I have no idea where the hell this university is. Nice try Monique, guess you can't retrieve Carlos after all. I head back to the waiting room, where Leo was sitting on a chair with a reader's digest magazine in his hands and his head deep in it. I laugh at the sight and shake my head. My leg begins to shake rapidly in place. The doctors said nothing about Kristian's condition as well. His wound did look pretty serious but hopefully not too serious. I can't bear the thought of evening losing another person it'll be too much for both Carlos and I. Leo interrupts my thoughts by tapping on my leg, then pointing towards the television that hung over the receptions desk. "Today at 1:35 pm there was a mass shooting here at a bell tower mansion. As you can see half the house is gone, parts have been blown to bits. What you can't see are the bodies that lay inside and all over the gate entrance. Its horrific. I have just been informed that only three were able to successfully make it out and oh what's this..." I watch as the news reporter leans away from the camera to listen to someone inform her about some updated news. "Alright, more terrible news, a young man from Rockford University was just escorted out of the building at gun point. If you find this gentlemen here, Carlos Colmenro, please do not hesitate to inform the police immediately." I rub my eyes out of disbelief. No this isn't happening. I flick myself a few times, this cannot be real. That's not Carlos, I try to tell myself but I look at the image that appears on the screen then I look over at Leo who had his eyes locked on the screen as well. This is happening. My legs spring towards the front desk and I startle the clerk at the desk. "How far is the university from here?" I blurt. "J-Just a few blocks from here ma'am. You turn right on corkscrew drive and just keep going straight." The clerk opens her mouth to say something else but I am already halfway down the hall when she manages to get something out.

Once down stairs in the lobby I push past all the people apologizing to each person I push and shove the front doors open. I look left and right searching for a sign that says corkscrew and spot it to my right. I continue on that path and make a right on it. As I sprint down the street, I outrun car after car going at full speed. What the hell am I? I am outrunning god damn cars. Drivers and passengers were full on staring at me as I ran in my bear feet on the sidewalk. I feel like that Disney character in this movie that Carlos and I watched a few weeks ago. She had long black hair and brown skin. She was beautiful and did not wear shoes as well because she too enjoyed the soil beneath her toes. She enjoyed the nature; the way the wind blew through her long hair, the way the river flowed, whether it was rapidly or smoothly. She even went far enough as to let the weather or the environment decide her decisions for her. Pocahontas! Now that was her name. She is kind of inspiring in a way, her message is to follow your heart and fight for what you believe in. Well that is what I am doing now; I am chasing after Carlos and fighting for him because through this whole memory loss he has been by my side, he is the one that has been trying to help me remember things and I think because he believed in me I started to believe in me too and that's why I can remember some stuff. So there is no way that I am going to lose another person, there is no way I am going to lose something else, I am not losing him. They only took him to find out my location, I know it is the people who killed Elena, they want me for some damn reason and now I just wished that I gave myself up when I had the chance. Now they have another person that I care about and they put two others that I care about in danger. Leo who was shot and Kristian who is surgery. I notice the police cars all over the campus and I run up to one, out of breath. I just ran four blocks nonstop so I need to breathe. "Miss are you okay?" A tall black haired officer asks me concerned and I nod quickly. "Carlos Colmenro, where is he?"

"And you are..."


"Well ma'am all I can tell you is that we are looking."

"Meaning you haven't found him? Look you do not understand you need to find him now or they will kill him! They killed my friend, they want me not him and we need to find him." I yell, spitting all over this man's face, which he deserved. I hate cops, they can never seem to show up on time, they always arrest the wrong person and they just can't do their damn job right. "I understand ma'am we are trying our best." Is this dunce not listening? "Your best aint good enough because if it were Carlos would be here now!" I continue shouting. "Ma'am, please calm down." The other officers started starring at the scene that I was making and the man in front of me placed his hand out towards them as if saying that it was okay and he had it all under control, which clearly he didn't.

"Calm down? How can I calm down when my boyfriend is missing! And stop calling me Ma'am my name is Monique, now find me Carlos!"

"Okay Monique, I told you already we have a search crew out already searching for him." I drop to my knees then onto the grass. I wanted to scream I wanted to shout, I wanted to kick this officer's ass for pissing me off and I want Carlos. But now all I could do was cry and that is exactly what I did.

ends boYNQ

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