Chapter 3

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Carlos knocked on my door before he left; telling me that he was sorry and that he will be attending school and won't be back till six. I said nothing, still being pissed at him for pulling that stunt on me, then getting mad at me for not remembering that I used to like that like okay... Leo knocked about an hour later to give me the phone that, 'Master Carlos' had bought for me, and that if I needed him then I could call him for anytime I want. I reach over onto my night stand and grab my phone, checking the time. It was eleven-thirty. I guess it is time for me to head out and eat. I change into shorts and a tank and, tie my hair up into a high ponytail and exit my room barefooted. I love the feeling of the clean and cool floor. I like to feel the earth beneath me and take it in, I hate trapping my feet in footwear, making them stink and suffocating them. Now let's see if I am going to be able to find the kitchen in this maze. It took a lot of walking but I finally managed to find the kitchen, or one of them that is. I pull out a carton of eggs, kale and mushrooms. I place those on the island and grab a carton of apple juice. This is going to be a beautiful breakfast. I finished my last bite of a combination of egg, mushroom and kale, then down it down with some apple juice, best drink ever made. I moaned out of delight and stand up to place my plate and silverware in the sink. Hopefully my old self liked to eat healthy, because there is no way I am going to eat cookies or waffles or whatever for breakfast. The sound of wondering quiet footsteps is what interrupted my thoughts. I slowly pull out a knife from the knife holder of many knives, but still keep my back towards the entrance into the kitchen. I listen carefully as they got closer and closer, this person was obviously trying to sneak up on me, the way they were moving is slick and slow. The way they stepped was as if they were trying to avoid spots where the wood floor might squeak beneath their feet. I can feel their fear and there struggle. Once they arrive I do not hesitate and turn a full one-eighty before releasing the knife from my fingers and watching as it flew right at the stranger. Lucky him he dodged it. He turned around watching as it pierced through the wall behind him. "What-the-fuck" He says, staring at me like I am some crazed lunatic. The guy had dark short hair and tan skin. He was too far away for me to get a clear look at his eyes but I'd guess emerald. "And who the hell are you?" I ask.

"Bitch, the real question is who the hell are you? You do realize that you could have killed me right? Like what the fuck?" I roll my eyes. "That was kind of the point; you were sneaking up on me." The guy raises his one eyebrow up and folds his arms over his chest. "How could you hear me I was like tiptoeing on air?"

"Well clearly you weren't doing it very well because I could hear you." He runs his hand through his hair just as I do. "Whatever let's forget for a minute that you tried to shish kebab me with a knife and focus on the problem at hand. Why the hell are you here you intruder?" Now I fold my arms over my chest and give him a confused gaze. "Excuse me? I live here genius." This time he laughs, "Look cupcake, you have three seconds to get out of here before I call the cops on your pretty little ass." I roll my eyes once more, walking past him to retrieve the knife. "One..." Wow he is actually counting. "Two..." I walk past him again and place the knife back in the knife holder. "Two and a half..." What is he four? I lean against the counter, fold my arms across my chest and watch as he counts down. "Two and three quarters..." I laugh this time; it's as if he doesn't want to get to three. "And three..." "Alright, this was fun but I think I am going to go look around." I walk up to the guy that stood in my way and pushed him to the side. "I am going to call Carlos; he'll get you out of here." "Go head," I say waving him off with my back towards him, as I walk off. "Tell him that his girlfriend is pissed at him for not telling her that she has to share a house with a dumbass." I continue on walking through the hall and I could hear the guy trailing behind me. "Wait what? Girlfriend? That's impossible he cannot be over Monique..." I turn around this time and he stops. "I AM Monique, genius." He looks me up and down and shakes his head. "I thought you were dead." I sigh, "Well clearly I am not." He shakes his head again out of disbelief, "You cannot be Monique, you would have recognized me. That is a sick game you're playing, so bitch you better tell me who the hell you are." "Now you listen and you listen carefully, my name is Monique, get that through your god damned head." I turn around to walk out of there but he grabs me by the arm and whips me around. "Then why the hell didn't you know who I am!" He yells, startling me. "...Because I have amnesia! I don't even know who the hell I am!" This time I don't give him a chance to say anything else. I yank my arm from his grasp and book it out of there, running straight for my room.

This is not fun, not at all, I can't remember shit and people be expecting me to bounce back like normal, they expect me to be someone I can no longer be. That guy was right, she's dead. The doctor said that I may be able to get my memories back, I just need to continue on with my life, but this is not as simple as some childish game. And what hell is wrong with me, I could have killed the guy with my knife stunt and how did I hear him? He was right again, he was tiptoeing. And last night with Carlos, so being in a comma has caused me to turn into a ninja? I am going to take a nice bubble bath and then take a nap, maybe then I will be more relaxed. My phone rang and I checked to see who it was. The phone read Carlos. I let it ring, I can't talk to him right now and I don't want to be rude and hang up on him. So I let it be and head to my bathroom to bathe. 

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