Chapter 2

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Brook unstrapped herself, others immediately following in her lead. "That was the worst scandinavia ride ever."

Regina snorts, "Bad comparison."

Marzia was slammed into Brook, "These kids are rude."

"We're delinquents cupcake."

Brook glowered at Murphy, "We don't need your input, asshole."

Regina stood in between them, "Yeah, not happening." She did not want to see Brook get beat up by some guy. Some cute guy.

More delinquents filed into the bottom hatch, only making a large crowd. Brook crossed her arms, standing in the front. Marzia glanced around, Regina gave Murphy a smile.

"Stop." Clarke yells, "The air could be toxic."

"If the air is toxic, we're all dead anyway."

Brook's eyes fall on Bellamy, a slight rage in her expression at his attitude.


Brook was slammed out of the way, and onto the ground. Marzia helping her up.

"I'm sorry." The girl apologized, before wrapping her arms around Bellamy.

"My God, look how big you've grown."

"What the hell are you wearing?" Octavia smacks Bellamy, "A guards uniform?"

"I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has got to keep an eye on you."

Clarke took a step forward, interrupting their moment, "Where's your wristband?"

Octavia turned and snapped, "Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year."

"No one has a brother."
"That's Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor."

Before Octavia could do anything Brook yelled, "Hey! Shut the hell up!"

Octavia gives Brook a thankful nod. "Let's give them something else to remember you by."

"Yeah. Like what?"

"Like being the first person on the ground in a hundred years."

"97." Brook corrected. Regina's eyes widen at Brook's attitude, she was being especially salty.

Marzia slowly moved forward, taking a spot next to Regina, "97 year difference."

"Yeah, we do not know the difference between-"

"We're back bitches!" Octavia screams, the delinquents pushed passed everyone, only five stayed in the dropship.

"You three do not seem as excited as the rest of us."

Regina shrugged, staring at the trees, "There's nothing to be excited about."

Clarke grabbed Marzia's wrist, "Your bracelets are different."

Wells glanced at them, "Why?" Clarke frowned annoyed that Wells was still near her.

Brook messed with her bracelet, "We were never in the Skybox."

"You snuck-"

"No." Marzia says quickly, "We were allowed by the chancellor,:

"My father..."

Clarke ignored Wells, "Why?"

Brook replies bluntly, "We're from Earth."

Clarke narrowed her eyes, "This-"

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