Chapter 3

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"Murphy, what are you doing?" Regina questions, staring at the knife at his wrist.

"Taking this damn thing off."

"But Clarke said-"

"Screw her." Murphy spat, "If you want to truly be free, take that bracelet off."

Regina rubbed the cold metal wrapping around her wrist, it did annoy her, but Brook would actually murder her, "I think I'm fine, thanks."

"Suit yourself." He swung the blade in his hand, "You mind helping me then?"

Surprised that he was not going to force her to take the bracelet off, she replied, "Sure."


"Hey, you know what I'd like to know? Why send us down today after ninety seven years? What changed?"

Marzia glanced at Finn, shrugging in response.

"Who cares? I'm just glad they did. I woke up in a rotting cell, and now-" Octavia spun around a tree, "-I'm spinning in a forest."

"Maybe they found something on a satellite, you know, like an old weather satellite, or-"

"It wasn't a satellite." Clarke cuts Monty off, curtly, "The Ark is dying. At the current population level, there's roughly three months left of life support, maybe four now that we're gone."

"So that's the secret they locked you up to keep, why they kept you in solitary, floated your dad?"

Marzia cringed at how Finn just bluntly said 'floated your dad.'

"My father was the engineer who discovered the flaw. He thought the people had the right to know. The council disagreed. My mother disagreed. They were afraid it would cause a panic. We were going to go public, anyway, when Wells..."

"What?" Marzia pried, "Turned in your dad?"

Clarke clenched her jaw, "Anyway, the guard showed up before we could That's why today. That's why it was worth the risk. Even if we all die, at least they bought themselves more time."

Marzia stared solemnly, "They're gonna kill more people aren't they?"

"Good." Octavia says, "After what they did to me, I say, float them all."

Jasper gave Octavia a disapproving look, "You don't mean that."

"We have to warn them."

"That's what my father said."

Marzia stared at the river, amused by everyone's amazement towards it. Then she jumped in surprise when Octavia began to strip down to her shirt and panties.

"Oh, damn, I love her. Oh! Holy..."

"Boys." Marzia says under her breath.

Clarke being the only one to hear it, gave out a small laugh, "Men."

"Octavia, we can't swim." Monty points out.

Everyone ran to the edge after Octavia jumped in. Marzia was about to jump in after her, when Octavia suddenly stood up.

"No, but we can swim." She grins.

"Wait." Clarke took out the map, "There's not supposed to be a river here."

"Well, there is. So take off your damn clothes."

Marzia's eyes widen, "Octavia! Get out of the water!"

"What the hell is that?" Jasper yelps.

"Get out of the water now!" Clarke screams.

Before Octavia could reach the shore, the snake like creature but down on her thigh, dragging her body away.

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