Chapter 5

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"Hey, hold up. What's the rush? You don't just survive a spear through the heart."

Brook pushed the gun up, so it wasn't aimed at her, Clarke or Wells, "Put the gun away, Blake."

"Well, why don't you do something about it, Darwin?" Bellamy presses the gun against Brook's hand.

Clarke stopped in her tracks, "Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly. It doesn't mean we have time to waste."

"As soon as you two-" Bellamy pointed at Brook and Clarke with his gun, "-take those wristbands off, we can go."

"The only way the Ark is going to think we're dead." Brook was close to Bellamy as she sneered, "Is when we're dead. Got it?"

"Brave princess."

"Get your own nickname." Finn says, suddenly showing up, "You call this a rescue party? Got to split up, cover more ground. Clarke come with me, Brook-"

"Shorty stays with me."

Brook glares, just now realizing everyone was taller than her, "Fuck off Blake."

"He said to get my own nickname." Bellamy smirked, "What? Does it push your buttons."

"You-" Brook poked his chest, "-Blake, push my buttons."

"Then don't leave them in the open, Shorty."

Brook scoffs walking ahead of him, her short black hair bouncing as she moved.


Regina sat in the dropship next to Marzia, "You got a thing for Jasper or something?"

"Maybe." Marzia stared as Monty worked on the radio, "You and Murphy?"

"He is actually really sweet." Regina explains, "He went through some hardships as a kid, so cut him some slack."

"He's a jerk." Marzia sighs, "Didn't he cut Brook with a knife?"

"Well yeah-"

"Did she deserve it?"


"Regina, it's your life, but don't chase the bad boys."

"Damn, it died." Monty curses.

"The bracelet?" Marzia stood from her spot, rushin towards him, "If it dies we can't use it?"

"Yes, we need the power off of it to connect to the Ark."

"If we can't get the bracelets off, how are we going to contact the Ark?" Octavia mumbles.

"I don't know..."


"Why is it you're forcing me to take my wristband off and not Regina?" Brook questions Murphy curiously.

Murphy tensed, then rolled his eyes, "I just haven't had the time."

Brook snorted, "You dad the time while you were fucking her."

"Brook come here!"

"What?" Brook trudged through the water of the small creek.



"Most likely."

Brook crouched down beside Finn, finding Jasper's goggles, "Yeah, it's him."


Brook stood up straight, eyes widening behind her glasses, "You should take that gun out now, Blake."

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