Chapter 9

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Marzia had brought Brook to a creek to clean herself off from all the mud, and she thought it was best to get her away from the group. She had a panic attack the whole way there, Regina had tried to come with them, but Marzia made her stay with Murphy.


"Stay with your boyfriend." Marzia snaps, her arms wrapped around Brook, who was still wheezing out breaths and trying to keep her breathing steady.

"Why are you acting so spiteful?" Regina questions, "Murphy actually tried to help Brook."

"I need to get her clean." Marzia chose to ignore Regina and began to walk off. Brook was moving slowly, her whole body was sore, and she still couldn't breathe. It hurt to breathe, all she could think about was the rope around her neck, crushing her windpipe.

Regina stood and stared at them as they slowly made their way away from her. She was astonished at how Marzia was acting, she's never seen her act in such a way before.

"Bring out the girl, Bellamy!"

Regina turned her head towards the crowd that formed around Bellamy's tent, she glanced back only to barely see the silhouettes of her friends. Regina frowned but made her way next to Murphy.

"BRING THE GIRL OUT NOW!" Murphy yells in anger.

Murphy had every right to be upset, Regina was completely peeved as well, and if it weren't for the fact that Brook had a panic attack, she'd be over here yelling for the little brat as well.

"Bring out the little bitch!" Regina yelled in anger, "You don't just get my best friend and boyfriend hung without consequences."

"You want to build a society, princess? Let's build a society. Bring her out."

"Clarke!" Regina yelled in anger, "That little cunt ass bitch deserves it!"

Bellamy opened the flap of his tent, walking out, Murphy glared, "Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us."

"Dial it down and back off."

"You shut the fuck up." Regina spat in anger, "What are you gonna do if we don't? Hang us? Brook was innocent you sack of shit."

"I was just giving the people what they wanted."

Regina scoffed, "Please, no one actually wanted to hang Brook! Murphy maybe." She received a glare from him, "But that gave you no right to hang either of them."

"Why don't we do that right now? So, who here wants to see the real murderer hung up? All in favor??" Regina had raised her hand beside Murphy, almost livid when she saw the very small group of people raising their hands, Murphy scoffed loud, "I see. So, it's okay to string me and Brook-who might I add always helped you assholes-up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk? Cowards! All of you are cowards!"

"Hey, Murphy! Murphy. It's over."

Murphy raises his hands in surrender, "Whatever you say, boss." When Bellamy turns around, Murphy picks up a lump of wood and knocks him out. Regina's eyes widen in shock at this. Octavia runs forward, but Jasper holds her back-who is then socked in the face, "Hey! Come on. Let's get the girl. Charlotte!" Murphy swings the tent flap open only to see that it was empty, "Charlotte, I know you can hear me! And when I find you, you are gonna pay! Come on."

Octavia grabbed Regina, stopping her from following Murphy and his group, "Regina don't."

"And why not?" Regina spits, "You guys were fine hanging up Brook, but not her?"

"She's just a kid-"

"We're all kids! That's the reason they sent us down here because we couldn't get floated. And she still murdered someone." Regina yells, "Murder is murder! And you're just gonna let her walk away with just a pat on the back!"

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