Chapter 11

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Regina screamed in agony as the knife slide across her chest, her breathing became erratic as she lost more blood. Her arms were tied behind her and she could see Murphy perfectly across from her in the cage they shared, but they were tortured at different times.

"Why are you here, Regina of the Sky People?" It was a woman who was asking her the questions, but a man that was torturing her.

"To see if the Earth is survivable." Regina answered for the tenth time, her voice was shaky as she spoke. The blade was set down, and then a whip was picked up. "No! No, please! I'm telling you the truth, I'm-" The whip came down on her face, she released a cry of pain.

Murphy shook the bars of his cage, "STOP IT! Leave her alone! She already told you her answer! Stop hurting her."

"Lovers?" She laughed, "Switch them."

"No. No." Regina cried, "Don't hurt him please."

"Not until we get all of our answers."



Brook tilts her head at the sound of Bellamy's worried voice, "Would you shut up."

"You're up?"

"Yeah." Brook frowns, "Knowing hundreds of people could be dying right now really keeps you up at night."

"Raven's flares will work."

"The radio would have been better." Brook snaps.

Bellamy sighs at her treatment, "Have you seen Octavia?"

"No. It's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies." Brook answers, leaning up against the dropship.

"I've searched everywhere, Marzia has too. She's not here."

Brook glances at his worried expression, she's never really seen him like this, "Fine. I'll help you and Marzia look for her. Search the drop ship. I'll check the tents."

"Thank you."

"Do not thank me." Brook glares, "I'm doing this for Marzia and Octavia, not for you." She moves towards each tent, searching inside, cringing at some things she walked in on. Her head popped into Finn's tent, seeing Raven cutting his hair, "Yo, have you seen Octavia."

"Nope. Not in here."

She pulled her head out and went to the next tent but still could not find her. "Blake, I can't find her anywhere."

"Hey, everybody, gather around and grab a weapon. My sister's been out there alone for 12 hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without her."

Marzia notices Jasper begin to arm up, "Hey, you don't need to do this. You haven't left camp since you were brought back."

"Honey, I need to do this."

"We need all the people we can get." Bellamy faces Clarke, "We need a tracker." He raises voice, "Finn. Get out here."

Brook taps her foot, taking one of the knives from Bellamy, "I'm going too then."

"No." Bellamy says trying to take the weapon back, she moved her arm away, "You're in no condition to leave camp."

"I'm in this condition because of you." Brook sneers, "I'm going. Octavia is actually one of my friends. Maybe if it were you out there, I'd stay."

Marzia bites her lip, moving Brook away from him, "That's enough Brook. I'm staying at camp, so make sure Jasper stays safe."

"I will."

Bellamy faces Finn's tent, "Finn, we're leaving."

"All right. I'm coming."

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