Chapter 19

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Brook stood beside Clarke, her arms crossed as she stared blankly out at the forest. She was replaying the talk she had with Murphy about Regina the two nights ago.


She stopped and paused what she was doing, facing the beat up Murphy, "What is it Murphy?"

Murphy took a small step closer to her, his hands in his pockets, "Regina, she-"

"Don't bring her up." Brook snaps, "You left her behind."

"I didn't! Okay, she stopped breathing. They took her away, claiming she was dead." Murphy cried out, "They didn't just take her away from you and Marzia, they took her from me too."

"You say that as if you really love her." Brook sneers.

"I do love her!" Murphy yells, "That's why I'm telling you I don't think she's actually dead."

Brook rubbed her eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"Before they took her away, I heard them talking." Murphy begins, "They claimed she was important."

"How can she be important if she died from the virus?"

"She didn't die from the virus." Murphy says, "She got better, really fast. I thought she was dying from the same virus."

"Then why...?"

"I don't know, they spoke about being Nightblood, and something about a commander." Murphy states, "All I know is she was about to die, got better, and then I woke up and she was gone."

Brook's glare hardens, "And you just left."

"First watch is over. Go relieve Monroe on the south wall. Keep your eyes open." Bellamy walked over to where Brook and Clarke stood, "Anything?"

Clarke noticed how Brook was not going to respond, "It's been two days. Maybe the bomb at the bridge scared them off for good."

"You believe that?"

Clarke shook her head, "No. They're coming."

"Jasper thinks he can cook up some more gunpowder if he gets some sulfur, and Raven says she can turn that into landmines." Bellamy began to walk, so Clarke began to follow, pulling Brook along with her, who finally began to pay attention, "So be careful where you step."

Brook snorted, "Ha, funny."

"What I really need is a thousand more of her tin can bombs I can roll into their village and blow those Grounders to hell." He noticed the expression Brook was giving him, "Hey, that's what they want to do to us."

Clarke shook her head, biting her inner lip, "Can't believe we survived a hundred years just so we could slaughter each other. There has to be another way."

"Any word from the Ark?"

"Radio silence."

"Finally ran out of air." Brook sighs at Bellamy's statement, everyone in the camp was so worried because their families were on the Ark.

Clarke stared solemnly ahead, "Maybe my mom was lucky being on the Exodus ship. At least it was quick. No one is coming down to save us."

"I'm glad that everyone in this camp shows such a great amount of enthusiasm and optimism." Brook says sarcastically.

Bellamy glances down at her, after her panic attack, she had almost literally ran from him. He's never seen someone freak out so much that they couldn't breath.

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