Chapter 15

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Brook and Raven stood next to each other, eyes on the screen where Jaha spoke, "My friends, this is a historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year, on the ground."

"Right." Miller rolls his eyes, "After we did all the work. Someone shut him up."

"You shut up, Miller." Brook says, watching Jaha, "Nobody's making you watch."

"For ninety-seven years, we have eked out an existence, hoping that someday our descendants would return to Earth."

Raven smiles at Brook, as she walks past her to make her way to Marzia. Marzia had been helping Jasper with making a huge load of moonshine. She saw Marzia taking a break outside, sipping some water from a makeshift canteen.


Marzia glances at Brook, glad to see that her bruise was finally beginning to go away, but the slash on her face was beginning to scar up. "Hey."

"So, you and Jasper?"

Marzia smiles, looking down, "Yeah." She pushes her hair behind her ear, "We had sex last night."

Brook scrunched her nose, "That's disgusting and way too much information."

"Right!" Marzia laughed, "You're extra virgin olive oil."

Brook's smile altered slightly but went back to normal. She was still extra virgin olive oil, she actually hallucinated her first kiss with Bellamy Blake. "Yeah, that's me. Probably will never happen."

Marzia rolls her eyes, "I'm sure it will happen eventually. I mean, Bellamy's looking right at you."

Brook glanced over her shoulder to see that Bellamy was looking at her, she gave him a small nod which he returned, she turned back to see Marzia with a large grin on her face, which she sighed too, "Marzia that's not going to happen."

"Marzia!" Jasper yells from the inside of the tent, "I need small hands! I can't reach this thing!"

Marzia laughs, "Great Unity Day, huh?"

"Sure." Brook smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear, she watched as Marzia happily walked back into Jasper's tent, "Right..."

Brook took out her iPod, she finally didn't really care if people saw that she had it, it had a small crack on the corner of the screen of the case, but it didn't bother her since it was only the case. She swiped the screen, putting on a song. She smiled as 'Wake Me Up Before You Go Go' came on. Raven grabbed hold of Brook, "I can connect that to the speakers of the radio."

"Go for it." Brook laughed, letting the mechanic do her work. Once the music blazed louder, everyone had stared over at the girls. The best part of this was she was playing her Glee playlist, so she knew every song by heart. Raven grabs hold of Finn's hands, pulling him out onto the field closest to the radio speakers. Brook clapped as they danced with each other. The delinquents went with it and began to jump to the beat.

"Is this your doing?" Bellamy asks, walking beside Brook, "Where'd you get such an old music player."

"My resources." Brook joked as the song came to its end, her playlist was on shuffle and the laugh that escaped her lips when the next song came on. It was 'Hand Jive'.

Marzia came out quickly, and jumped beside Brook, "Hand Jive? Really?"

"Oh, yeah." Brook smiled, "Remember the dance?"


The girls shrugged and began to do the dance with each other. They began to pat their thighs and clap their hands. Their hands moved up and crisscrossed flat over each other. Their hands went into fists and began to pound on them. They threw thumbs-up signs behind their shoulders. They repeated once, and then faced each other and clapped their hands to one another's as they laughed. Raven came next to them trying to repeat what they did.

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