Chapter 14

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"Oh, my God."

Jasper glanced at Monty, "What?"

"Earth is scary. It's amazing. Fresh air, trees..." Monty stared at a nut before eating it, "...nuts. These taste better than usual right? Oh, I'd like to give Earth a giant hug."

Marzia scrunched her eyebrows together, "You're acting weird."

"I feel weird but in a good way."

Jasper suddenly stood up, "I gotta pee."

Marzia giggles as she flips back onto the bed, "Have fun."


Bellamy picked the gun up, covered in what looked like oil. "This changes everything." He grins, "No more running from spears." He chucked one at Brook, "Ready to be a badass Shorty."

Brook tilted the gun in her hand, "I don't want to be badass. I know we need these guns as protection, but that doesn't mean I'm okay with it."

"We're lucky the guns were packed in grease. The fact that these survived means we're no longer sitting ducks." He noticed how Brook held the gun awkward obviously not knowing how to use it, "You need to learn how to use these."

Brook looks down at the gun, she knew how to shoot smaller hunting guns but this wasn't a hunting gun, "Uh..." She pulled the gun up, "So I just have to hold it to my shoulder?"

"Yeah." Bellamy walked behind Brook, steadying her stance, "Just a little higher, yeah, the end." He moved her hands in the correct position, he noticed how close he was to Brook and became flustered, he coughed backing up, "Uh, just like that... Uh, watch and learn." Bellamy held up another gun and took the shot, but nothing happened.

"Still watching. Not learning." Brook stands.

Bellamy frowns putting his gun to his hip, "My bullets are duds. Try yours."

Brook bites the inside of her mouth but aims the gun at the tarp across the room. She clicks and hits the tarp but not the middle. The recoil causes her shoulder to be pushed back slightly. "That was so cool!" Brook grinned, she faced Bellamy with a smile, "Am I horrible for finding that fun?"

Bellamy gave her a smile, "Try again."

Brook shook her head, "No. We shouldn't waste ammunition."

"You need to practice."

"No. We need to talk about how we're gonna keep guns around camp, where are we gonna keep them, and who has access. You left Miller in charge of the Grounder. You must trust him." Brook states, letting the gun hang on her side.

"You should keep him close. The others listen to him."

Brook raised an eyebrow, "I should keep him close? Where did this suddenly come from?" She then remembered how he took a lot of rations, "You're gonna run. That's why you agreed to come with me. You were gonna load up on supplies and just disappear."

"I don't have a choice. The Ark will be here soon."

Brook scoffed, "So you're just going to leave Octavia?"

"Octavia hates me. She'll be fine. You don't know I shot the Chancellor. They're gonna kill me, Brook. Best-case scenario, they lock me up with the Grounder for the rest of my life, and there's no way in hell I'm giving Jaha the satisfaction. Keep practicing. I need some air."

Brook frowned but allowed Bellamy to leave since she didn't want to hear it anymore. She flopped herself on the floor, picking her gun up to look at it. She tilted her head when the gun suddenly bent as if it was a flimsy piece of plastic. She blinked a couple of times.

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