Chapter 18

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Brook stood up, even though Marzia had protested, but both were already feeling better after an hour or so of being exposed to the sickness. Clarke thought it was amazing and wished she could study it, but there were more important matters. Brook cleaned her glasses off, making sure all the specs of blood were gone. Marzia began to attend to another sick kid, while Brook and Clarke walked outside of the dropship.

"All right. Show is over. Get back to your posts." Bellamy turns to face the two girls, "You got enough food in there, water?"

"Yes." Clarke answers.

"Some medicine would be nice." Her voice came out tired, but you could hear the smile in it.

Bellamy held a small grin, "I'll see what I can do." He glances behind them, Octavia, you okay?"

Clarke stopped Bellamy from going inside, "Bellamy, wait. She's not here. I sent her to see Lincoln. Look. If there's a cure, he has it. I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't let her go."

"If anything happens to her." Bellamy frowns, glancing at Brook who stayed silent-with a headache-, "You and I are going to have problems." He turned around and began to leave.

"Bellamy..." Clarke coughed trying to get him to come back.

"Bellamy!" Brook called, holding her head.

"Out of my way."

The kid turned around, blood falling from his eyes. Everyone reeled back around him, guns pointing up, "Dude, your eyes. Nobody touch him!"

Bellamy backed up, pointing, "Get to the dropship, now!"

Raven glances to her side, a girl swaying, "Hey are you okay?"

She falls back, two other delinquents catch her, but the girl retches, blood splattering on their faces. Then the panic happened.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God, it's on me. Get away! Get back! Get back!" "

"Calm down!"

"Put that gun down. Put that gun down. Put it down!"

Brook covers her ears, walking back into the dropship and pulling out a gun, she walked back out, shooting three times in the air until all the screaming ceased. Clarke trudged forward, "This is exactly what the Grounders want. Don't you see that? They don't have to kill us if we kill each other first." Brook walked in front of Clarke, holding her head as she glared at the kids.

One of them pointed their gun at Brook, "They won't have to kill us if we all catch the virus. Get back in the damn dropship!"

Instantly, Bellamy grabbed the gun, and slammed his elbow into the kid's face and the but of the gun at his neck, "Not to state the obvious, but your quarantine isn't working."

Clarke's eyes drooped as she swayed to the side. Finn noticed this and was at her side in a second, despite Raven's protest, "Finn! Don't touch her!"

"Hey, let me go. I'm okay."

"No." Brook came close and felt her forehead, "You're not."

"It's okay. Octavia will come back with a cure."

"There is no cure." Octavia's voice rang through to everyone, "But the Grounders don't use the sickness to kill."

"Really? Tell that to them."

"Certain viruses don't kill everyone, their immune systems were strong enough to handle the disease." Brook defended Octavia.

Bellamy shook his head, "I warned you about seeing that Grounder again."

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