Chapter 6

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Brook covers her ears, rolling over on her stomach-making sure not to hurt her leg-and into Marzia. Jasper has been nonstop moaning in pain, yet he hasn't woken up once. Brook sat up abruptly, making her release a groan almost as loud as Jasper's, her movement made her leg scream.

Regina sighs as Murphy releases an annoyed groan. No one could really get any sleep with Jasper making so much noise.

"Murphy, calm down," Regina mumbled, cuddling into his chest.

"Keep my mind off it then." Murphy smirks.

Regina grinned, moving up and positioning herself so she was straddling his waist, "Maybe if you ask nicely."

Murphy sat up, bringing his hands to her lower waist, "Porcelain." Murphy paused, pulling her even closer to him, "Let me fuck you."

"Hmm." Regina pondered, "Maybe later."

Murphy genuinely smiled, "Tease."

"Awe, but you love me."


Regina sat down on a log watching Bellamy and Murphy throw knives. Bellamy was good at it, but Murphy kept messing up. Brook limped over to her, taking a seat beside her friend, she was obviously bored, since she was injured. Clarke made her makeshift crutches and had a hawk eye on her and Jasper.

Another loud moan escapes from Jasper's lips, making Murphy, yet again, fail miserably.

"That damn kid, always messing with my head." Regina frowned, not appreciating his rude behavior towards the injured kid.

"He's not gonna last much longer." Bellamy started, hearing Brook's scoff, "Better think of a new excuse." Bellamy shows off by throwing his ax into the tree, and it sticks. "That's how it's done."

Atom approached with others, "We searched a half-mile all directions. No sign of Trina or Pascal."

"Visit your special tree when you were out there?" Murphy sneers. This only caused Atom to glance at Brook, even though she was basically crippled, she found him and cut him down, luckily he was only hanging for ten minutes.

Bellamy glanced behind him, following Atom's gaze to Brook, his jaw slightly tensing, "Atom took his punishment. Let it go."

"Could be Grounders."

"Yeah, or they could be in pound town." Murphy faces Regina, "Lot going around recently." His wink caused Brook to gag.

Jasper lets out another moan, the group turning to face the dropship. Brook sighed, after being on 'earth' for a week, she forgot everything about 'The 100', other than small trivial stuff. So she had no clue if Jasper survives.

"Look, Bellamy, people are scared, and that dying kid, he's not helping the morale around here."

"Morale will go up when I find them more food."

Brook inhaled deeply, releasing it in annoyance, "And what do you idiots say when they ask about Trina and Pascal?"

Bellamy faced the crippled Asian, his eyes focusing on her wound for a minute until his eyes met hers, "Now? Nothing. It's possible they're just lost. We'll keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later."

Brook frowned, she knew they were dead, that was one thing she remembered, but she just couldn't remember how they died. "Does killing make you guys feel better about yourselves?"

"No. But it sure is fun."

Regina raises an eyebrow at Murphy, "Really now?"

"I need you to stay here. If the Grounders are circling, we can't leave this place unprotected."

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