Chapter 4

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"You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling."

"Mount Weather awaits." Finn smiles holding onto the vine.

"Just hang on till the apogee, and you'll be fine." Jasper says.

"The apogee, like the Indians right?"

Marzia sighs, "Apogee, not Apache."

"He knows." Clarke lets out a sigh, "He's stalling. Today, Finn."

"Aye. Aye. Captain. See you on the other side."


"What?" Finn faces Jasper with a questioning look.

"Let me. I can do it."

Finn's eyes land on Marzia, nodding at Jasper, "Ah, knew there was a badass in there somewhere."

"Yeah! Go Jasper!" Monty and Marzia cheer.

"See you on the other side!" Jasper releases a laugh as he jumps from the vine, landing on the other side of the lake.

"You did it Jasper!" Marzia yells.

"Whoo! Yeah!" Jasper laughed loudly, standing up. He grabbed a sign on the floor waving it to his friends, "We did it! Mount Weather!"

Everyone smiles at him, until a spear comes down on his chest.

"JASPER!" Marzia screams.

"Come on!"

"No!" Marzia exclaims, "Jasper!"

"Marzia, come on!" Finn yells.

"We're not alone."

The group ran through the forest, rapidly and frantically.

Monty trips, falling hard into the dirt.

"Monty, come on! We got to go!"

"Monty get up!"

"Oh my God." Marzia's lips trembled, there was a skull and cracked bones surrounding them.

"Who are they?"

Clarke picked up the skull, "What are they?"

"We are so screwed." Octavia heaves out.

In the distance there was a loud, screechy scream.

"Jasper!" Marzia turned around and began to run back, "He's alive!"

"Marzia! Wait!" Finn and Clarke rushed after her, "Wait! Wait!"

Finn stopped Marzia, "Stay out of the trees."

"He was right there." Clarke said in a harsh whisper.

"No." Monly mumbles, "Where is he?"

"They took him."


"They took off your bracelet?"

"Apparently they were going to do the same to you, but you bit Miller." Wells says, finishing the graves for the two who died in the dropship.

Brook sighs, staring at the metal around her wrist, "I'm sorry. If I knew-"

"If you followed they would have taken your bracelet too."

Brook stared at the pile of clothes, thinking how she should have know they were going to do that to Wells, but she couldn't remember. "You know those kids out there will just take them."

"They'll understand."

"Your trust in these delinquents concerns me." Brook smiles, helping him with the load.

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