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People are like seasons,
Who enter your life for certain reasons.

They tell you nothing about this being a mere excursion,
Nor that this is nothing but their temporary version.

Never does it cross your mind,
That one night, without them, everything just won't be so fine.

Within a month's time,
They make you feel like you're on cloud nine.

In your stomach splatter butterflies,
All generated from nothing but sugar coated lies.

You dream of a lifetime in one night,
And it feels like you're in flight.

Much more soothing appears the moonlight,
And illusions make everything seem just so right.

Favourites soon begin to change,
Only to realise that such changes will soon go in vain.

For one fine evening, as the stars light up the sky,
They tell you they're leaving and you ask why.

You keep waiting but receive no reply,
And thus they depart, without bidding goodbye.

You weep and cry,
In the deadly silence of the nigh.

As you wipe your tears from your face,
You realise that this was just another ordinary case.

It is those that hurt the most,
And the ones you use to brag and boast.

Yes you made the right guess,
They are the words you use to curse and bless.

Words are powerful, yet so torrential,
Especially those that get you so emotional.

But darling, hold on.
You and I both know the secret of the Amazon,

Which tells us that someday, knife cuts may dry,
But what never heals is the scar left by a white lie,

That joins broken pieces,
By making false promises,

Only to break those pieces worse than before,
Leaving you much more sore,

Such that in future, you very well make sure,
That no one is able to march into your heart, only to leave you hurt to the core.

The Diary Of A Broken HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon