A Letter to You.

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Dear You,
People are like seasons, aren't they?They change with time and distances. That's something I learned not long after I lost you. You pledged to stay by my side through thick and thin, and suddenly one evening, you realised that I'm not your thing. You began to find me annoying and closed, even though you knew the secrets of my soul. Yes. I agree that your departure had broken me down, but I want to ask just one thing before I let go of you completely, what is it that made you go?

I want to ask you this. And a lot more. But I think you have no answer, for you ought not to have an answer. It's your life and your decision who you allow to stay and who you want to kick out of it. You're the king right? You think you can rule everyone's heart? You think you can go around faking love, breaking people and then acting like you did nothing?

Well, let me get this clear in your head: you can certainly not do this. You have no right to fuck with someone's feelings just because yours change like seasons. And oh please, don't come up with lame excuses saying that I didn't deserve you, or I was too caring. No. You know that I loved you, and you knew I was serious. I gave you space enough and too caring is just not an excuse to jump out of a relationship.

Instead, please admit the fact that you didn't know what love meant and I couldn't fulfil your lusty desires. Admit that I was a time pass, a mere form of entertainment that you soon got bored of. Accept the fact that you have found someone else who is a mere slut, just like you wanted your girl to be. She's not worried about you or your life, and takes hours to reply even if she's online all day. She types "I love you baby❤️" and sends it to you along with 5 other guys.

But you don't mind all of this right? Because after all, you found me "too caring" and "too closed" and this hoe is exactly what you deserve. You are a fuck boy, a play boy. Don't get offended at this my love, that's the reality of you, and sadly all men that exist in this dreadful world.

Wait, why am I even saying this to you? You're deaf to reality, especially your reality, are you not? Don't worry, for I'm certain that one night at 2 AM when you're falling apart and there's no one to hold you together, you will miss me. And you will feel really and truly sorry. But you know what, it will be too late for queens like me do not wait. 
A girl who thought she'd never get over you.

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