I'm here

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Well hellooooo there

How are you?

Eaten any waffles lately?


I'm really craving waffles.

And Jaffa cakes.

And sushi.

I'm always craving sushi it's one of my favourite foods.

Well that was an INTERESTING FACT for you.

I'm bet you're glad you know that.

So enjoy this chapter please because I enjoyed writing it :)

Vote/follow and all that jazz


Sam's POV

I woke up some time later from a dreamless sleep, to see Dan gazing into my eyes.

"Hello beautiful." he said and kissed my lips gently.

"Hi." I managed to say.

My stomach hurt and I was finding it a little harder to breathe. There was a constant ache over my body, all put together with my still quite prominent headache.

I tried to lift my head but just winced as a sharp pain shot through it.

"Don't try and move Sam, your head needed stitches but you'll be alright in a couple of days."

"What else is... you know..."

"Are you sure?" Dan looked worried.

"Completely. Please tell me."

"Well, you have one cracked rib and you've chipped your jaw. The cut on your head wasn't that big, head wounds bleed like crazy, so you've got two stitches. You also have quite a big cut on your stomach which needed 4 stitches..."

"... an the rest of me is black and blue, right?"



"Sam, you'll get through this. You're gonna have to stay in for a couple of days, but then I can take you home."

"I'd like that."

A few minutes later, the doors burst open to reveal an out of breath Phil, dragging behind a puffy eyed Annie.

As soon as they saw me, their eyes lit up and their faces moved into wide grins.

"Sam!" Annie scream/Cried and ran over to me, stopping just in front of my bed with a look of shock on her face.

She quickly brushed it off and replaced it with a smile as she half hugged me.

I instantly thought about my hair though. It was so disgusting. It would take years to grow back so I have to live with it for years.

A constant reminder of what I went through in the past 24 hours. Fantastic.

Once Annie had collected herself enough Phil came over to me and kissed my forehead.

"I'm so glad your safe, it wasn't the same without you, blue eyes."

"I'm glad to be back. Even though I haven't even been gone a whole day, it seemed like an eternity." I beamed at the three of them looking down at me. I loved them all so, so much.

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