Chapter 3

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*Sam’s P.O.V.* 

(that night)

My parents had told me that the Jonas’ had invited us over to their house for dinner, saying that they couldn’t wait for my parents to see the new house they had bought. So, it being on such short notice I threw on my v-neck t-shirt and a skirt, definitely nothing fancy when it’s just family friends.

We arrived at the Jonas house and I was immediately greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Jonas as well as Frankie and Joe. They all greeted me and my parents with wide smiles. My parents were immediately pulled inside and into the kitchen that Joe’s parents were obviously dying to show them. That left just me and Joe at the front doorway. Instinct took over and I instantly threw my arms around him in a giant hug. At first, I felt him almost tense up in shock, but quickly he relaxed and put his arms around me.

I was so happy to see him again that I hadn’t noticed how long the hug had been going on for. Feeling a little embarrassed I began pulling away, however, Joe only pulled me closer into him and in that moment, the red alarm started going off in the pit of stomach. It was the way he pulled me back towards him; more demanding than with care... I knew something wasn’t right. It was only seconds after that I knew the uneasy feeling in my gut had been right. Within a matter of moments Joe followed his now firm grip on my waist by slightly loosening his hands as they leisurely slid down to my hips and then shrewdly found their place on my butt. My eyes instantly widened and just as hastily as his groping began, I pushed myself away from him and slapped his hand off of me.
“What the helk are you doing?!” I said trying to keep my agitated voice down so that the parents wouldn’t overhear.
“I was just repaying you for your friendliness.” He said as a cool smile spread across his face.
I looked at Joe with nothing but disgust and as of that moment, I no longer doubted what my friend had told me. I was so shocked and disappointed in Joe that I didn’t even want to look at him let alone talk to him. However, I knew that I needed answers and I needed them now no matter what I’d have to do to get them.
“Where are your brothers?” I snapped.
“Upstairs.” He said and without giving him a cursory glance, I hustled up the stairs and down the hallway. 

Nick and Kevin were making their way down the hall just as I arrived in front of them.
“What did you do to Joe?!” I demanded, backing them both against the wall.
“Well,” Nick began in a very pleased tone. “Since you haven’t been around for the past year, you were no longer in our way and we were finally able to get to Joe.”
“Yeah, and it’s the best thing we’ve ever done.” Kevin added. “He is the best bad boy... even better than we expected. Speaking of which...” He said and suddenly both pairs of eyes were narrowed at me looking me up and down like some sort of prey. “Why don’t you come with us and you can find out just how bad he really is.”
I scoffed at the two of them, but still quickly turned and made my way back downstairs.
“It’s alright, you’ll find out soon enough.” They called after me.
Yes, I had never been more frightened of them in my entire life, especially since I didn’t have Joe around to protect me anymore, but I could never let them know that.

Once I was down the stairs I noticed everyone situated around the dinner table so I quickly made my way there and just as I was about to sit down next to my parents, Joe grabbed my hand and led me to the seat next to him. To everyone around us it would have seemed like Joe was merely making a kind gesture however, I was the only one aware of the insistence and control in his grasp. Trying to hide any worry from my parents I quietly sat down next to him. The entire meal I was completely silent and distracted because of my nervousness and sensitive awareness of just how close Joe was sitting next to me. By the time we were finished dessert and we were all beginning to leave the table for the living room, I finally felt myself relax somewhat as my defences were lowered. 

It was like Joe could sense my sudden vulnerability, because within moments he rested his hand on my knee. My entire body instantly tensed up as I willed myself not to make a scene and jerk him off of me. I could feel my cheeks get hot as his hand began ascending up my leg and towards my thigh. It was like my senses were heightened and I could feel every touch of his fingers and palm on my skin along with every brush he made on my leg. That sick feeling in my stomach returned as his hand continued underneath my skirt not allowing anything to get in the way of its path. Scene or no scene, I had to stop him. I noticed the parents were now all walking into the living room. So, once their backs were facing me I swiftly shot up out of my seat, and without a word or any recognition towards Joe; I followed closely behind everyone else and into the living room.

This time, I made sure to sit directly between my parents on the couch making sure there was no possible way for Joe to get near me. Sadly, my plan only half worked. Once I had sat down in the circle that had now been formed in the living room, Joe conveniently decided to sit directly across from me. I tried to not let my attention be stolen by Joe, so I struggled to listen to the parents babble about house renovations and plans for the summer. However, I couldn’t ignore the piercing eyes on me. It was like trying to ignore someone who was waving their hand in your face or pointing a knife at you. My concentration finally faltered and my eyes quickly glanced in Joe’s direction. I immediately noticed the satisfied look on his face and sadly, I knew exactly what his crude mind must have been thinking.


So what do u think guys ? 

promise that next chapter will  have some Good and intersting  things ;)

vote and comment plz :D


Gharam <3

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