Chaper Two- The Emails

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Ben woke up to a whisky driven headache with no Rey next to him.

He threw his boxers on and inspected his hotel room for a trace of the young girl.

Nope , not in the bathroom, or kitchen, or living room. He sighed and gathered himself to take a shower.

By the time his shower ended he had 16 new emails from his director and producers.

To: Ben Solo
Re: The First Order Film
Subject: Commercial ads

Ben !
It's me , Mitaka. I have wonderful news for your movie The First Order.

Snoke was sent the final cut and he loves it! He just had them edit some new commercial and screen time. He's thinking the Super Bowl, every major news source in New York, before YouTube videos ! He even said something about buses and benches!

If we play our cards right buddy we could be looking at an over 100 million dollar royalty fee for the use of the title, your face and your idea!

Plasma and Hux said they're waiting till they hear from you if you'll be taking the deal.

As your director and collage roommate I'm telling you ... TAKE THE DEAL !

I know snoke , I got snoke coffee for almost 2 years Ben ... he's not gonna give you anymore then what he's offered until the film comes out with real money ...

If you where to haggle him for more cash you would never see it and he's use his rights if 15% of the film to make it that no one could ever or would ever see First Order.

Please take this deal ben ... it's a good idea !


Ben favored the email to remind himself to further investigate when he wasn't coming over a hangover.

To: Ben
Subject: When are you coming home ?


What happened to our family dinner? YOU father, uncle and I waited almost 4 hours for you to show up until it was too late to go out anywhere and we had to get Taco Bell!

I expected more from you but clearly I was wrong.

You promised Benjamin, you promised to me on the phone and now you break that promise.

Luke was so exited to see you again, happy to see his nephew writing again ! He wanted to ask all about your film.

You finally change your ways from your stupid collage years and you break them again.

Well congrats! You're now officially the family disappointment !


You better reply to this

He rolled his eyes and opened the next email .

To: Ben Solo
Re: First Order Film
Subject: Release Date

Hello Ben,

I know that Snoke had scraped the movie last night, saying it was trash but after some begging and a wonderful new trailer it's back on track !

Gwen and I tried to find you after the party last night but we couldn't.

We came by your room and heard moans so we decided it would be best to leave you be... assuming you were hooking up with someone.

Anyway, the film will be released on January 13, 2017 like we anticipated.

No word yet on what theatre it will world premiere at but I'm sure Mitaka and Snoke will be able to deliver that information soon.

Best of luck,
A. Hux

Ben scrolled to another email and began to read it.

To: Ben Solo
Re: Where Are You
Subject: I know we broke up ...


Look I know I said I never wanted to speak or see you again but... I found out your movie was being canned.

If you ever need someone to talk to , or just be there don't hesitate to ask okay!

I mean I'm here for anything... anything...

You know how far my leg goes behind my head , so don't worry 😉.

Just text me when you need some... help...

With all my love ,
Bazine ❤️

Ben gagged and threw his phone across the bed to go and take a shower. He had to be checked out of here by 12:30 and it was 10:15 so it gave him enough time to shower and shave then be on his way back to his apartment where hopefully the cleaning lady had made his little outburst yesterday disappear.



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