Chapter Fourteen- The Dinner

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Ben drove Rey home quickly , wanting to get a jump start on dinner.

"So... I'm a great baker but lousy chef... so all I can make is grilled cheese sandwiches and mini pizza's ... and none of those sound good" Rey said when they walked into her kitchen .

"I can cook something" Ben offered setting down the yoga mat on the floor next to her bag.

"You cook?" She asked.

"A little ... I can make something ..." he said steeping close to her. "Anything you want that I can google"

"Anything ?" She asked and he nodded "hmm... grilled chicken, quinoa, and steamed veggies" Rey smiled.

"That I can make without Google" he smiled and she walked to her living room.

Rey kicked her shoes off and Reyes her tired feet on her coffee table . "Hmm" Rey said and tried to move . "Ben !" She yelled .

He ran to the living room , a pan with oil in it resting in his palm "what's wrong?"

"I can't get the remote" she said , Ben rolled his eyes and gave Rey the remote.


"Dinner is served " Ben said when he brought Rey he food and some water to the couch.

They ate with Netflix loading "okay so what do we watch?" Rey asked.

"I don't know..." Ben said as she flipped through movie titles.

"Let's watch ... Phantom of the Opera" Rey said and Ben nodded.


"Past the point of no return, no backward glances
The games of make believe are at an end
Past all thought of if or when, no use resisting
Abandon thought and let the" the phantom sang .

Rey's head was on Ben's lap , his hand draped over her small belly. "This would be a good time for you to move" Ben said to their baby.

"The baby won't move on command and it's to early" Rey laughed.

"Why on earth is Gerald Butler trying to have sex with that little girl ? I mean Christine is like 17" Ben shook his head .

"In some versions she's 14" Rey told him looking up at his face .

"You are not getting with anyone until your married" Ben said to the baby in her bell "boy or girl"

"I'm glad your not sexist" Rey said .

"I am sexy though" he joked .

"Wow" she rolled her eyes and kept them on the screen. He saw her shift around , finally to sit up and grab a blanket.

"You okay?" Ben asked .

"I'm freezing" Rey said with a shiver behind her vice and her goosebumps raised.

"Here" Ben grabbed her and pulled her into his arms "can't have the baby mama cold can we ?"

"No we can't" she smiled and looked at him , their faces were close , he could feel her breath tickle his nose .

He leaned close to her and softly pressed a kiss to her mouth. "Rey I'm -" he said and she ran off to the bathroom. "I fucked up"

He went to the bathroom to see her vomiting , her hand clutching her stomach and her hair dangling .

Ben squatted down and pulled her hair back "it's okay" he said rubbing her back with his free hand "it's okay"

She finished and laid her head against her hand on the wall. "You okay ?" He asked and she shook her head .

Ben stood up and grabbed a cloth , ran it under water and brought to it to Rey's mouth to wipe it clean , then brought water to her mouth for her drink .

"You're sweating Rey" he said and she nodded . "You threw up everything you've eaten huh ?" And she nodded softly. "Okay bed time" he said and picked her up.

Her carried her to her bedroom down the hall . Thankfully she was wearing comfy clothes so all he did was tuck her in.

"Ben" she croaked "stay ?"

He nodded and kicked his shoes off , he laid next to her and she pressed her head against his chest. "You're okay, I've got you" he whispered as he slowly stroked her hair.

They can't be extremely happy but a dinner and movie are good ...


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