Chapter Four- The Doctor

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"Okay Finn" Rey groaned as he put another cool towel on her forehead.

"I think you caught something hon"

"I think you're right" she told him "probably from New Years"

"What happened on New Years ?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Well... I met a guy... we hooked up ... I didn't even ask if he was clean ! FUCK !" She yelled.

"Do you think ... maybe he gave you something ? Like the flu ? Or an STD ?"

"If he gave me an STD I'm gonna find him and kill him..."

"You should get tested, I get tested whenever I'm with someone new" Finn told her .

"It's been long enough so I could tell... "

"Let's just hope it's not crabs ... Poe told me those hurt like hell !" Finn said.

"Poe has crabs ?!" She gasped.

"Fuck no... he's a doctor hun... Jesus , you think all he does is your taxes once a month"

"Oh yeah" Rey scratched her head. "I should schedule an appointment"

"Yeah... you want me to come with you?" He asked.

"Nah, who's gonna make sure that my little high school kids don't ruin my shop"

"Okay... well... you call and get an appointment and I'll go downstairs to make sure no one has set a fire yet"

"Thank you!" She called as he was walking out of her room.


"Miss Kenobi" the nurse said and Rey stood up, grabbing her coral bag and coat.

Rey we brought to a room where she lifted her sleeve up and the nurse drew her blood "we'll have the results in about half an hour..."

"Okay ... thanks" she smiled and the nurse walked out with her blood sample.


"Miss Kenobi?" The Doctor said coming in.

"Hi" she smiled.

"So what brought you in here ?" She asked.

"Well... I've been sick and i needed to get my STD test"

"Perfectly normal for a wanting to known... its should be ready in but... what symptoms do you have ?"

"Headaches and nausea... I had a fever yesterday... "

"Oh okay" the doctor said "hows your grandfather ? He's suppose to come in for his blood pressure test"

"I'll have to remind him when I have lunch with him"

"Good, that sounds great... oh your tests are ready" the doctor said opening the results from her computer .

"Oh" the doctor said looking at the chart.

"Is something wrong ? Do I have an STD ? Fuck I probably do ... okay look how much is medication -"

"Miss Kenobi" the doctor said with a smile "you're pregnant"

"I'm what ?!" She gasped her hands shaking and voice high.

"You're pregnant... two weeks to be exact... is it safe to assume this wasn't a planned pregnancy?"

"This wasn't even a planned party" she buried her face in her hands.

"Miss Kenobi" the doctor said softly "there are options... there's adoption and abortion"

Rey was breathing hard and tears where streaking out of her face . "Miss Kenobi, was this a case of date rape ?"

"No!" She said "I don't even know the guy ! It wasn't rape it was 100 percent consensual ... but we used a condom !"

"Condoms are only 98% effective... some people say they have no use at all..." she told her.


Rey walked out or the doctors office with a heavy heart and shallow breathing.

On a whim she drove to her favorite diner and decided she would treat herself to lunch to clear her mind.

She drank her ice tea and watched the television play in the diner . Some commercials for new cars and cell phone planes .

"Sir" the voice on the television said.

"What is it?" She looked up to the familiar voice .

"They're heading west" the man said.

"West... I like it, let's go while there's still a chance ... "

"Yes sir" she gasped , the voice and face was ... it was Ben's !

She let the trailer finish and then jotted down his last name so she could google him.

Ben Solo.
Hot , young Hollywood writer and actor .

She clicked on his Wikipedia page and began to read.

Solo released three books in the Sith Series .
The First Being "The First Order" the second "The Finalizer " and third "Starkiller Base"

Rey ran a hand through her hair , she read all these books in high school when she was not invited to parties or going on dates.

Solo is now starring in the First of the three films in the Sith Series , playing the role of Kylo Ren who will be leading his knights to take back the Galaxy.

Rey almost choked on her salad, she and as having a baby with her high school literature hero...

Jesus ...

Merry New Year !


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