Chapter Three- The Shower

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The little bakery opened its doors in 1965, it's been family owned every since .

Kenobi Cakes was the name. Originally Rey's grandfather Benjamin Kenobi opened the store when the block was new and started becoming more modern.

He liked the old fashion things, the tables were all white painted metal with designs , the walls where painted a welcoming yellow and purple .

When Rey's parents died when she was young she was left to the care of his grandfather.

He wasn't the best care keeper according to most of her childhood friend's parents but he was to her.

True there was chocolate cake for breakfast, cupcakes for lunch and pies for dessert but he was always there for his granddaughter.

He went to every school event, all the talent shows and open houses , the honor roll ceremonies, the games , the fundraisers always having his items sold out first at the bake sale.

Benjamin taught Rey everything she knows. The right buttercream to cupcake ratio , how many chocolate chips makes a prefect cookie, how to make flowers out of icing.

When Benjamin got older she took over the family owned business that had been around for over 50 years.

As Rey got older she made the bakery more modern but still stuck to the roots.

She had more staff , by more staff that meant two or three high school kids who worked the counter and put the cakes on display . She had her good friend Finn work there as a baker and her friend Poe was her numbers guy.

It was perfect. Her little bake shop did all sorts of events, weddings, birthdays, bridal showers, baby showers, grand openings .

They made the best tasting cakes around and the whole community new.

"Hey Rey ?" She heard as she walked inside with the walk of shame.

"Hi Finn" she smiled clutching her coat close to her body.

"Have fun last nigh?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Shut it" she spat and walked to the hallway that had the door that lead straight to her home .

It was a three story building not including the basement that kept extra supply .

The ground level was the bakery, where everything was taken care of and the second and third floor where Rey's private home.

Three bedrooms and two bathrooms , a huge kitchen and living room, an office and of course a room dedicated to all the wonderful books she read and her grandfather read and what she still is reading.

Rey shucked off her coat and dress , kicked off her heels and jumped in the shower to wash last night's weakness off of her.

Rey Kenobi was not someone who randomly hooked up with some guys he met at a hotel party .

True Ben was handsome , at least she thinks that was his name ... she didn't quite remember.

Between the fruity drinks and straight liquor she had a few fuzzy moments. She remembered he was handsome , with inky black locks that hung just below his ears and a straight nose that was the center of his face. His skin had constellations of moles and beauty marks around them.

She remember that his suite was on one of the top floors , that he had his key in his jean pocket.

She remembers that he went down on her first, taking her with his mouth.

She remembered he tasted like jack Daniels and coke . And there was a faint taste of smoke from him or the party itself she's unsure.

She sighed as the warm water flushed over her body , easing the muscles from lifting big bags of flour and heavy cakes.

She stretched her arms and reached up on her toes to grab her shampoo to wash the night away.

She heard her phone ring and shut the shower off, grabbed her robe and then snatched her phone up.

"Hello?" She asked as she put the phone on speaker.

"Rey?" A familiar voice said

"Grandpa !" She smiled

"Hi sunshine ... I was just wanted to wish you a happy new year"

"Happy new year to you too grandpa" she smiled as she grabbed her moisturizer from the shelf.

"I just wanted to call you to say that Satine and I would love to have lunch with you soon "

"Of course!" Rey smiled , Satine was her grandfather's girlfriend from the time she was 5 to now , they got married when he retired and she was 19. "Where does grandma wanna go ?"

"Not sure, well let you know love ... see you soon"

"Bye grandpa " she said "love you"

"Love you too" he then hung up.

My New Years resolution is to finish more stories ... lol gonna break it in like a week !


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