3) The Tomp of Prime

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3rd POV

Luna took out her flashlight and turn it on. There stil some wind in the cave. Luna's long brown hair blows with the wind. Her black skirt, with purple at the end, is moving along the wind. Her matching jacket, with a hood, and her purple t-shirt tighten her body and showing her curves. She show some nervous in her blue eyes. Luna look back at the autobots and took a step into the cave.

Luna POV

This is kind of scary in here. The light from my flashlight hit something. It's metal. 

''It's still here. All the Primes are here.'' I says to the autobots. There is echo.

''Look at something, that look like a clue.'' Says Optimus. I look at the Primes and find out there position. They are not in the same position like last time. They are maybe still alive. I took a step on one of the hands and look closer. Maybe it's my imagination, but there came some light out of one the Primes, the one I standing on. The cave began to shake and the Prime open his chest. There are something inside there. ''Luna are you alright?'' Optimus sounds worried.

''I am fine, but one of the Primes chest is open and there is something inside.'' I says to Optimus, in hope to take at look of what's inside.

''Look at it, but don't touch it with out my permission.'' Order Optimus. I move closer to the Prime and look up. I need to climb onto the chest. I place my left foot on the Primes ribs and took my right hands up. I put the flashlight in my mouth so I can see. When I am up to the top, I can see three things inside. I step inside to have a closer look.

''Optimus. It looks like a headphone, a piece of paper and a black stick. They are also in human size.'' I told to Optimus. I could hear the autobots talk outside.

''Luna. Take the objects out here, so we can have a better look of what they are.'' Optimus says to me. doing what I was told, I took the three object and got out of the Primes chest. The cave began to shake again. When it stop, I look back to the Prime and his chest is closed again. I walk out of the cave and placed the object down on the ground. The autobots come closer and looking at the objects I have found.

''What is all this. They can not help us with anything.'' Says Crosshairs, a little mad.

''Be patience, Crosshairs. They may see small, but they may have something that can help us in the furture.'' Says Drift, trying to calm down Crooshairs. I look back the object and took the paper in my hands. It's folded, so I will fold it open. Optimus saw me and came closer to me. When I was done, the paper seems like it's a big one. Optimus took the paper up and get all the other autobots attention.

''This is a message from the Primes to us.'' I was shockt. They are still alive or else they knew that we will come here.

''What does it say sensei?'' Ask Drift.

''Dear Autobots. As you may know, are our planet in ruins and with no life. You came to Earth to search for the Allspark, but destroyed it to save this planet. You have fought for the planet survival, and we are all proud of it. But don't lose hope for our home, for there is a way to bring it back to live, and all of your autobots friends.'' The black lines on the paper began to move around and making a picture out of it. ''There is prophecy, that says, that one girl, with a creativ sense and a big heart for others, will be the choosen one to have the powers of the Allspark. She will bring life to our planet and our race.'' The painting showing us a girl with a energy looking circle around her. She kind of look like me. ''Autobots, you have found the girl and you will all protect  her with your lifes. The headphones is a tool to the girl. It can guide her forward your next mission. The black staff is a magical weapon. It can turn into any weapon at the casters will. You need to know that the Allspark has a limit, but as long there is a little power back, you can restore Cybertron back to live. The headphones will show how much power there is left and even after all the energy is used, the girl will still live. 
- The Seven Primer''

''What does it mean a new mission and how can this girl the choosen one?'' Crosshairs asking while pointing at me.

''I am pretty sure I have told you my name, and that can be true that I am the choosen.'' I said to Crosshairs.

''And how is that?'' Ask Bumblebee

''Well it says a creativ girl and I am creativ. I can paint, draw, dance, sing and sew clothes. There are also the point that I was the energy source you where looking for yesterday.'' I pointed out for them. I am a little scare to be the choosen, but if it can help the autobots to restore there home planet, I well do what ever I can do to make it happend.

''The kid have a point.'' Says Hound. I walk over to the headphones and look at them. They are purple with blue square around the phones. There came a weird sound,when I took them on, and a yellow glasses came out of the phones. I look back to the autobots and there names pop on the glasses. Then ther pop up a new thing that says, actives the human program. Five laser came and hit the autobots for a second. ''What did you do kid?''

''I don't know. There came a thing says, actives the human program, and then there came the laser. I have no idea what happend.'' After I said that, there came some text on the glasses on and it's explain what happend. ''Guys. You can transform into a human being now. The laser your T-cock and make an upgrade to you, so you can walk in human area. That's great.'' I explain to them. That is a really great upgrade to them. There came more text and i read it out loud. They can also be in there vehicle mode and be human at the same time. I touch the phones and I think I touch a bottom, because there came suddenly a map with 15 spots on.

''What is this.'' Ask Drift.

''It's a map over Earth and I have a felling that this is the new mission the Primes talk about.'' I said 

''What about the spots.'' Crosshairs pointet to one of the spots. 

''Well they say that I can bring life to your race, and since there are 15 spots, will each spots be one autobot that we need to find and bring back to life.'' I pointet out.

''That is true. Luna Legend, will you help us get our comrade back?'' Optimus is asking me to help him, that awsome.

''Yes. I help you. So now, let's see where we should go to get them.'' I look at the spots. There are three in Africa, North America, Asia and Europe. Two in South America and one in Australia. ''Those three in Afrika is place on Madagascar, South Africa and Libya. The next three in Europe is in France, Denmark and Austria. In Asien are the three in Russia, India and Japan. The one in Australia is in the Northern Territory. Two spots on South America, in Peru and Brazil. Tha last three in North America are in Jamaica, Florida and California.'' I pointet out there location

''Autobots, roll out.''

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