6) Libya

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Luna POV

There is still an hour back, before we are in Libya. Jazz is cool and are telling me about how it fells to be a lieutenant in Cybertron. From the start, he never wan't to be lieutenant, with all the pressure there is to lead, but then Optimus told him that he choose him, out of all, because he have a hearth for others safety and are strong. Jazz was not good at the beginning, but became the lieutenant that Optimus saw in him. Jazz also tried out his human mode and he look still cool. He is black skinned and have silver sunglasses on. Grey shirt and black t-shirt inside, blue pants with chain on the belt and he's shoes are black. His black hair long braided down to a low ponytail.

''So, what does it feels to be here and on this situation, girl?'' Ask Jazz to me. I smiled a little.

''I am still surprise to be here, but I am happy to be here, it's just that I missed my home and family. When I am looking at some of the social media I am on, are the big topic about me and the news have interview my family and telling about how sad there all are that I am gone. It really breaks my hearth, but I need to stay positive, because I am still alive and someday I can get home.'' I smiled at the end. My parents are sad that I just disappear with out a clue or something. All the police in Denmark are trying to find out what happen and how it happen. My smile fall down to a sad one.

''Hey don't look like that. You still alive remember, so turn that smile back up and find the next piece. What do you say.'' Says Crosshairs. Is he trying to make me fell better? I smiled again and stand up.

''Okay, welcome to Libya. I will stay here and hold an eye of the ship.'' Brain says. Jazz sat his servo in front of me and I stand up on it. We walk outside and see an animal savanna. I have my headphone on and since I have a white scarf with black dots on, I placed the stick on it and wear it like a belt. I connected the mini solar power cell to my Power bank and place it on my scarf. On this way, I will have a lot of power to my phone and my JBL GO speaker. I activate the glasses and look around to find the piece.

''The piece is in that mountain where all the lions are living. The funny part is that the mountain looks like the same one as in the Disney movie lion king.'' I says to them. Since there is'tn long way to go, decided we to run over there. I hold on Jazz shoulder. The lions run away from us or the autobots. ''There is a cave there.'' I pointed to a rift in the mountain. Jazz put me down and all the autobots transform into there human mode. To make sure there is'tn anymore lions in here, walk Optimus and Hound in front of me. I look at the walls to find the piece. It should be here somewhere. At some point, we need to stop. I bumped into Hound's bag. We come to an end of the tunnel. I look at the wall and found the piece. ''Hey guys, the piece is in there.'' I pointed at the wall. 

''Everybody stand back, I got this.'' Hound says. He walk towards the wall and took out his gun. He blow the wall and a little cave there. ''Now let's see what's inside here.'' Hound put his hand in and trying to find the piece. ''I found it.'' He took his arm out and the piece came. We walk back out, but at the end of the tunnel, heard we are shoot. We look after the sound and seeing a little lion cup be taking away from it's family. I am a animal lover, so I run to them. One of the hunters is ready to shoot the male lion, but came I came.

''Stop. You can just take a lion cup just like that. It have a family and you can not just kill them with out an reason.'' I shouted at them. I hold my arms up in a protective way.

''Get away you little girl. These beast need to be gone and we need the money.'' Says the one holding the cup. So they are doing this for money. Typical.

''So you just going to take a lion cup and sell it to a zoo with out it's family. The cup will die without them and humans can not help it. And your also wrong about them being a beast, it is you who are the beast. The lions and all the animals in this savanna is free and I am pretty sure that there are a rule says 'No hunting' here at this area. So give the cup back to it's family.'' I says calm, but strict. The autobots hear all what I said, and can truly understand why I am the chosen one. The hunter growled and pointed his gun at me. I did'tn move or flinch. Before he could shoot, held Optimus his gun at the hunters head, while the other pointed theres on the others.

''Now do what she says and let the cup go.'' Optimus says to the hunter and push his gun closer. The hunter signaled to let the cup go. It run back to it's parents and nuzzle at each other. The hunters walk back to there jeep and drive off. We walk back to the ship.

''You really have a hearth for others, even animals. Why is that if I my ask?'' Ask Ratchet. We walk inside the ship and they all transformed back, but Bumblebee stays as a human and walk towards me.

''Well, I think all living things shall live in peace and not a brutal world.'' I says. ''I have the thing that is when others are happy, then I am happy, even if I need to be in pain.'' I have always been like that. At school do I not get well with the others at school. I am always alone, but I am fine with that. I have my family and my best friend. I walk toward the piece on the floor and begin to bring it to life. ''I have a felling about who this is. It's Ironhide.'' I says.

''How are you sure.'' Bee ask. He went back to be a robot.

''Because we already have Ratchet and Jazz. That mean at this is Ironhide since he is from the first movie.'' I pointed out. I focus and the energy came. When it's done, I fall to my knees. It's hard to make life. I look up and I was right, it is Ironhide. I push the bottom on my phones and gave him his new upgrade. Bumblebee walk towards me and take me on his servo. He walk over to the blanket and place me there. Just when I touch the blanket, the darkness took over and I fall asleep.

3rd POV

Luna is fast asleep and Ironhide is still trying to process all this.

''Ironhide, we autobots are looking after all the others that are dead and then revive them back. Luna have the power to do that, but in the wrong hands will it be dangerous. We need to protect her and find the piece of every one of our comrades, understand?'' Optimus ask Ironhide. Ironhide nodded and look at Luna. Optimus look at Brain. ''Brain. Set the coordinates to France and let's roll out.'' Optimus says to the autobots.

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