23) England

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Luna POV

We are on an airplane to England, because their is a castle with some info about transformer from the past. Their are maybe a clue to, what we shall do now. I have decided to hear about what happen on the last movie.

''When did you come in the spotlight?'' I ask Cogitian. The plane is big for all of us, if some are in human form and some in car mode.

''When it all was over and Cybertron was back to normal, was I the first to arrive. When we got to earth have me and Hot Rod been in England and Canadian to look after some energy. Optimus have told us the story about you being the energy.'' Explain Cogitian. That make some sense. 

''Okay. Well Wheelie, how did you die?'' I ask.

''While Bumblebee took with Cade, have we some problem.'' Explain shortly Wheelie. Not much for an info, but I think I can guess what happen, or maybe not.

''I still don't understand why you are back. Cybertron is reborn, right?'' Ask Epps. Optimus human form shook his head.

''We are able to reborn Cybertron back, to what it was once, but a someone destroyed the staff and Cybertron don't have enough power to create new life.'' Says Optimus.

''So you bots don't do the same as us to have kids, but your planet create them?'' I ask. It is a little weird to ask that, but I am curios.

''You got a sick mind girl.'' Says Crosshairs. ''How do you think we work like?'' Then Crosshairs get hit on the head by Elita.

''Don't ask her that.'' Says Chromia. I laugh hard.

''Don't worry. Many people already think I am weird, and I have no problem with that.'' I exclaimed and make weird poses, just to be funny.

''And there is nothing wrong with that.'' Says Sideswipe and bro fist me.

'' Can also guess that the dinobots lost their ability to get small, when the staff was destroyed or was there something else?'' I ask.

''We have no idea, how it happen.'' Says Hound. I just shook it of. The plane landed and we get out. I jump inside Hot Rod and inset the coordination on the GPS. 

''I am not happy to meet that stupid gnome bot.'' Says Crosshairs. He is maybe meaning Cogman. After what I have heard, he turn Crosshairs finger the wrong way. Ow. I have tried to broke my thump, and that hurts like hell. The cast make my thump look like a thump up, and that was not very funny most of the time, because in my school would the students ask yes and no question and my thump says yes. That is not funny after 3 puns out of 50 I think.

''You deserved that.'' Says Bumblebee. His real voice was their in the story, but just that little moment. I suggested to use my power and give him his voice, but Optimus said I need to spar the energy. I know he is worry about me, but I got it under control. I look outside to see the castle. Hot Rod stops and open the door for me.

''We are at our destination mademoiselle.'' Says Hot Rod in his french accent. I think it is kind of cute. I like the different accent there are in the world. It make every word and country unique. The land is beautiful and the castle looks old. The door opens and a little transformer walk out.

''You must be Luna. I am Cogman and I have make some sandwich. You have been on a long journey and need some real food.'' Says he polite. I look at Crosshairs.

''Is this the one that broke your finger like it was nothing?'' I ask and pointed at Cogman. Crosshairs nodded.

''I can see you have human forms now. It make it more easy to travel around the castle.'' Says Cogman and walk inside. We followed behind.

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