5) South Africa

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3rd POV

After Luna gave Ratchet his new upgrade, she just collapse on the ground. Ratchet scan her and she was just exhausted for revive Ratchet back to life. The process of revive life, will take her energy from her body and make her exhausted. She need to sleep to get her energy back before the autobots and Luna can continue on finding the piece of there comrades. Bumblebee took Luna up in his servo and place her near his chest, so she can get warm.

''The kid look sweet while regenerate her energy.'' Says Hound. He found Luna really sweet and wan't to protect her from danger, but also learn her about the cybertronien weapon and how to use them.

''She is a brave little girl. I mean, jumping out of a 30 miles tree is very brave. I am beginning to like that little human girl more then the other human we have work with.'' Crosshairs says. He don't like the humanity, but Luna is a different one. She have a heart out of gold. She will help the autobots and will sacrifice her life for them.

''A girl with a brave hearth and a wise mind. She is something we never can find here anymore.'' Says Drift. He like Luna from when there where on there way to Madagascar. She told a little of her self, but it was what she's doing on her free time. She goes to be a leader of scouts and teaching small kids to survive in forest and camp out there. She make sure that everyone is happy and play with the kids. Bumblebee like Luna from the very beginning. She did't look evil, but one that will help others in need, but otherwise is the same reason as Crosshairs and Drift.

''I have only meed her for a short time, but what your are saying and your looks at her, says that she is an amazing human, so that's enough reason for me to trust her to.'' Says Ratchet. Just that little time he have meed her, he will trust her with his life.

''Yes indeed she is. How she act's and her ways towards others is something you never see in these day here on Earth. But we still need to protect her from danger and find a way to get her back to her own world. This will be a secret we need to hold for our self's, but the other autobots will also hear the plans. Otherwise keep this as a secret for Luna. Understand.'' Optimus ordered. All the autobots nodded. Optimus looked at Luna, there are sleeping at Bumblebee's chest. She sleeping with out a problem in her mind.

*Time skip*

Luna POV

Opening my eyes, I look around and find my self on the big chair in the ship. Where are the autobots? And why is there a blanked on me? We don't have one, so where did it come from?

''Optimus? Bumblebee? Guys?'' I call after them. Nobody answer me. Where are they? I look around me to find any of the autobots, but no one is here. I walk to the end of the chair and look down. There is a long way down, but I can climb down. At the bottom, I look around to find them. They should be here, I mean, I am little and they are very big, so where are they? A breeze hit me and I look over to the door. It's open. I run the door and look outside. ''Guys, where are you?'' I yell after them. Still no answer. Soon I hear motor engine coming this way. I look at where the sound are coming from. It's Drift and Optimus vehicle mode, but where are the others. They stop in front of the door and the doors on the cars open and people is coming out. ''Who are you and what are you doing here?'' I ask to them and trying to protect the spaceship for others. The first one i notice is a young boy around my age. He have golden messy hair, blue eyes and have a mask over his head that looks like Bumblebee's wen he is fighting. His cloths is black and yellow. A jacket with a hoodie on. There are black on the hoodie, the bottom on the sleeves and jacket and the middle of the front and sleeve, rest is yellow. He have black pants and a golden belt. His gloves are golden on the front, but black at the end and have black boots. The next person looks like a blue samurai and have long black strait hair, sat on a low ponytail and have also black boots on. The one next to him has a green cape like jacket on, but have a black shirt inside. He have a dark green pants on and green boots on. On his head are helm like think, but the top is of and you can see his spicy black hair and there are the same glasses as them Crosshairs have. The first one to come out of the truck is a big guy that looks like Hound. He have guns and bombs everywhere on his body. His cloths are all dark green, but he have black pants on and a clack beard. Next to him is a guy has a lime green jacket and pants with black in the middle of them and a black shirt on. The jacket and pants have some red line that make a heart puls from a hospital machine. He also have lime green hair and left bang is hanging over his left eye, but you could still see his eyes and glasses. He also have the metal from Ratchets car mode, where all the lights are on, but is over his chest. The last one has short blue hair and short hair bear. His jacket is red with white on his shoulder and pockets. He also wear a white shirt inside. His pants are blue with fire at the bottom and his shoes are black.

''Can you really not recognize us, Luna.'' That sounds like Crosshairs. I look closer at them and they have the autobots symbol on them. I gasp. ''You recognize us now.'' Ask Crosshairs with a smirk on his face. 

''Wow, look at you guys.'' I run to them and look closer. ''So this is how your all look when you are humans. You look awesome everyone.'' I smile at them. Then I remember something. ''Where have you guys bin doing. When I woke up, you where all gone, even Brain where here.'' I ask them. Optimus came over to me and lay his servo, I mean, hand on my shoulder.

''We where looking around after the piece, but we can not find it. We left you, so you could get some rest and get your energy back.'' Optimus says to me. I nodded and remember that my headphones can lead us to the piece. I run back to the chair and climb up. The headphone and weapon stick is here. Heavy steps is coming closer. I took the headphones on and the stick, then looked at the autobots. 

*Time skip*

We are driving at the lands of South Africa. I use the time, on the way to the piece, to learn more of the headphone. They can tell me if my energy is low, my health or others conditions. It can also say about weapons I see and what there weakness is, and a lot more. The phones are beeping and showing a map. The piece is near. I direct Optimus to which way to drive. We stops when some kids coming at us. They are worry and seems like there are something wrong and need help. I took off the seat-belt and get out of the truck. The kids took my hand and guided me to a mine field. I look at the field and saw a little boy out there and playing at the sand. I took a stick from a tree and run in the field. Hound make sure the kids where on the ground and the others are doing the same. The little boy saw me and are walking towards me.

''No. Sit down.'' I try to speak to him and use my hands to make him sit, but it did't worked.

''Can you make him sit down and stay.'' Says Optimus on Africans langues. One of the kids say something and the boy sits down. I sigh of relive and use the stick to find the mines, but I stick it on the sand slowly. There is nothing, so I place my food there. I use the same trick all the way to the boy. When I am just a meter away, I can fell something. I slowly when down and remove the sand to the sides. A thread is there and the center of it. I use my stick and focus it to be a small dagger. When it cam, I use it to cut the threat over with and turn the center off. Now it is deactivated. I when back to the trick and came forward the boy.

''Hey there buddy. Now you stay calm and I get you back.'' I know he does't understands me, but I just want to say it. I turn and walk back, using the footprints on the sand back. When I am on the end, took Drift the boy and place him down. The kids took the boy and run away happy. ''Wow that was close.'' I says out of exhausted. I did't do anything hard, it's just that is really was thrilling. After that little episode, we walk the rest of the way. We are really close now. Suddenly I trip and fall face to the ground. I look at what i trip on and it is a metal piece. I look at the others and we dig it out of the ground. It is huge. Back at the ship, I'm ready to make this autobot back to life. I am doing the same thing as I did with Ratchet and the same feeling is coming back. After the process is done, the piece turn into Jazz and he is still a gangster like in the movie. I gave him the new upgrade and was about to explain, but Ratchet stops me and make me go to bed. ''That reminds me about, how did I get a blanket?'' I ask tirently.

''We got it from the city we went on, and you where still asleep, so you can figure out the rest.'' Hound says to me. I nodded and lay down on it. It's very warm and soon I fall asleep.

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