8) Denmark

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Luna POV

All the music, dance and singing, help me to stay awake a little longer. I also talk with Sideswipe and Ironhide. Ironhide like's weapon and want to learn more of them, that's why he is a weapon specialist. Sideswipe started to martial art when he was a sparkling. When he came to Earth and got he's skates, did he use the world wide web to learn on using them. It's like roller skate. 

''Now are we here in Denmark. So, Luna, you live here don't you?'' Ask Brain. Now that I think about it, is there a other me, but this worlds version.

''Yeah, I live here, but not in this world if you remember. Come to think of it, there can be an other me here, since this is a another world. I am a little curious if there is another me, and I wonder how she's act here. Maybe I get my answer today.'' I says. I really want to know, but now we need to find the piece.

''Where do you live in Denmark, kid? The capital or what?'' Ask Hound. I smiled and pointed to the spot we are flying at to.

''I live right on the spot. The towns name is Esbjerg and I live there. There is a house just a little out of the town, but otherwise I live there.'' I smiled. It will be really funny to meet the family here, but I need to stay focus and if I show myself to them, they will wonder if I am there daughter or a copy or something. I need to go undercover. On the way here, I have change into a blue blouse and black pants. The shoes are still the same black and blue lined shoes. ''It will be funny to find the other me, but when I think this trough, it will be bad idea. People will ask question about me and we can get in trouble, so I need to go undercover.'' I pointed out.

''You are right, Luna. It will be bad to find your other self. We don't need the humans to find us and hunting us down. We need to keep low and find the piece.'' Says Optimus. I look outside and see a forest. It is the dog lake. My home is closed from here. We landed and activate the invisible field. We walk out and the autobots transformed into there human form. ''Luna, do you know this place and how to get around?'' Ask Optimus. I nodded and pointed the way towards my home. The piece is that way. The road is muddy and slippy. The autobots have problem with that. I giggle at them and help them

''Just walk where I walk or step on shines ground. The weather here is funny. Sometime there is rain and then sun and then rain again.'' I says to them. I no problem with the weather or anything. I stop and look at the house I call home. ''That is where I live. It looks the same here as well.'' I smiled and look at the house. I use my phones to look closer. There are someone home. I can see one car and I can hear laughing coming from there. In the garden is there 2 kids. Two young boys and the parents is inside. The parents look like mine's at home. A hand touch my shoulder and I look at Drift.

''They maybe look like your parents, but they are not the real ones. Let's find the piece before anything wrong happen.'' Drift says to, giving me a smile. I nodded and look around. The piece is up on a tree, but this time, I can climb up and get it with out a problem. We run up to the tree and look up. There is a tree house up there and a wooden ladder.

''It can not hold all of us. Luna, you go up there and Bumblebee can come with you.'' Says Ratchet. I nodded and began to climb up, Bee after me. In the tree house, is there many girly things, but also sports things. I look around and find the piece on a trophy. I pointed at the trophy and Bee took it and show me it. I look at the name, there is written on. Luna Ming, winner of the national archery. My eyes widen up. There is another me, and I am a sporty girl. That is the opposite then myself.

''Luna, Bumblebee, hurry. Someone is coming here.'' Ironhide shout up to us. There is a window and I walk there and look outside. It is a girl, running towards us. I looked at Bee, who is trying to get the piece off. I help him and it is glued to the trophy.

''What are you doing here? Is someone up there?'' A girls voice said. My voice. I turn on the piece and it came out. I put on my hood and step down. ''What where you doing up there and I am not afraid to shot you.'' Luna, or me, pointed her arrow at me.

''We where just wandering around and we found the tree house. We did't touch any thing, promise.'' I says with a deep voice, trying not to sound like myself in front of me. She slowly pointed the arrow to the ground.

''It is alright, but if I found out something is missing, I will found you guys. Now get going and never come back.'' She threaten us. We walk back to where we came from and got back on the ship.

''So that is this version of me. She is completely the opposite of me.'' I pointed at myself. The autobots transform back and look at me.

''What did you find up there and what took so long?'' Ask Crosshairs. 

''She have... Won the national game... Archery and many more.'' Says Bumblebee trough the radio.

''How can that be the opposite of you sparkling?'' Ask Sideswipe. I sighed.

''Because I am not a person to do sport. I am creative, like draw, paint, sewing, dance and music, but in sport am I the worst. There are something I am good at, but otherwise am I bad to it.'' I said a little sad in my voice. Bee scoop me up in his servo and place me on his chest. I tough that robots are cold metal, but the autobots are warm in there chest area. It is properly because of there spark. ''Don't worry about me, I am fine.'' I look at Bumblebee and smiled. ''Let's get this autobot back to life and then get next one in Austria.'' I says happy again. The autobots smiled at my energy full self. Optimus placed the piece on the ground and i began to bring it back to life. Under the process, I fell a femaleness energy coming from the piece. This must me one of the motorcycle. My eyes are heavy, but I wan't to see who the piece became to. It is Chromia. She is the blue motorcycle. I smiled and give her, her new upgrade. Ratchet snatch me from Bee and placed me on the blanket.

''Remember our promise.'' Ratchet smiled at me. I nodded and pack me in the blanket. Before sleep get me, I look at Chromia and smiled at her and says.

''Hello. My name is Luna.'' Then sleep took me.

3rd POV

Luna fall asleep and Chromia is looking at her.

''Who is this girl, Optimus? And how did I came back from dead?'' Ask Chromia looking at her hands and herself.

''Luna brought you back to life. She is the chosen to revive our home planet and revive our autobots comrades. You need to know, that we shall protect her from any danger. Understood?'' Ask Optimus. Chromia nodded and look again at Luna. ''And one more thing. We are trying to find a way to get her home after she is done with her mission. Keep it as a secret from Luna.'' Optimus says and look at Luna, who is turning around and facing them.

''Understood Optimus.''

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