29) The final battle

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3rd POV

As the decepticons come the autobots need, fly Luna back to the amusing park to be sure that the people make it out. And they did.

''Good work Cogman. Now there are no more innocent in danger. Now the government and the world can see you are not trying to kill us, but safe us.'' Says Luna and land next to the small robot.

''Indeed my lady, but we better get back to the others and help them.'' Says Cogman and start running back. He seems small, but he is a fast runner. Luna activate her hooverboard and fly next to Cogman.

''I have a better idea. While the bots are fighting Queen-beast monster, then would I try and get her. She the key to stop the monsters.'' Luna explain and then change direction. 

''Those decepticons is now on their enemy's side.'' Mumble Queen-beast and take a crystal from her arm and throw it. It transformed to a centaur. ''Kill them.''

''That is not a nice thing to say.'' Queen-beast turn around and see Luna, arms cross over her chest. The centaur jump at Luna, but she dodge it in time. ''Now that was your last monster, then I would sent my own monster to help my friends.'' Luna fly over to some trees and take a box from the leaves. She throw it in the sky, and the box destroyed by the dinobots. 

''So they where there.'' Mumble Queen-beast and take another gun from her hips. It looks like the one from before, but this one is normal. Luna quickly take out her whip and catch Queen-beast arm.

''You are not going to hurt my friends.'' Shouts Luna and pulled Queen-beast arm away from the dinobots. Grimlock turn his head to look at Luna, but he know she can do it, so Grimlock run back and help the others, by biting Firesky on it's wing.

''My baby's.'' Shouts Queen-beast and see her precious baby's are hurt and injury. Anger rage through her and she yank Luna with the whip. Luna land on the ground hard. Queen-beast start running towards Optimus with a sword in her hands. ''You have killed my sister, so you shall never kill my baby's.'' Optimus couldn't block it in time. Queen-beast slide Optimus right arm off. She is then going for his spark, but a barrier block the attack.

''She is still alive. She is here still on Earth and maybe looking for you.'' Luna manage to make a barrier for Optimus. Ratchet run to his aid and start working on him. Queen-beast turn around to see Luna on her hooverboard and arms stretch out, like in a protective way.

''You don't know her. You are not from this world.'' Shouts Queen-beast and step hard on the ground like a little kind. That is her true self.

''You are scared and want your sister by your side, because you are twins.'' Start Luna and let the barrier down. ''I finally understand what you want and why you want it so bad.''

''You can't understand why I am doing this.'' Retorted Queen-beast. Luna nodded.

''Maybe am I wrong, but it what makes a little sense. You want a home for your baby's and you thought the Primus would give you that, so you escaped with the help of Queen-tessa. She make you land on this planet, because she knew that she will get here at some point. You two are like ying and yang. Dark and light. Two different personality, but still sister and love each others. Queen-tessa wanted to destroy this world, for yours to live, but you want this planet so your baby's could have a home they could live happily at. Am I right?'' Luna mocked. Queen-beast feelings are running wildly. She don't know what to feel. Anger, sad, happy, there are so many emotion she want to get out, but can't. Queen-beast fell to her knees and look at the ground. Luna got her right in the spark.

''How can you be sure that is the reason?'' Ask Skids. 

''Because I am smarter then you, so shut up.'' Says Luna with a smirk and look back to Queen-bast. She is chuckling.

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