I think I'm being cursed.

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Today I watched this animal video on how meats are produced and brought to markets. I completely disgusted by that. Yeah, I eat meat. This makes me feel kind of bad.
At lunch I go out to get a salad. The salad has a little chicken and bacon.
I go back to the cafeteria where MintyWolf100 and Fish Face are.
I sit down, I open up the salad and pick at it.
"G, don't you know that that egg is unborn chicken—"
"Shut up."
"That lettuce was tortured—"
"Shut up."
"Is that chicken?"
"What is it?"
"Human feces."
Later MadHatter895 comes in.
"Oh your salad."
"ShUT UP." I said, agitated.

When I was going home, my dad parked in front of a stop sign.

"This is a sign

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"This is a sign."
"Yes it is G."
"I'm being haunted."
"Sure you are, sweetie."

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