Bloody sweaters.

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At lunch I was with UniPegasus214 WillowWolf1000  Potato423  and Avocado. We were all eating and then Avocado gasped.
She held something in her fingers, I thought it was a chickpea, Willow thought it was a fish egg and Uni wasn't even looking.
It was then when I saw the blood when I shrieked, and ran to get paper towels.
Avocado put the (nasty) paper towels in her mouth (*🤢*), covering the blood.
"Is that blood on your shirt?" Potato asks, because there is a red smudge by her collar.
But no, it is only a string.
BUT, Avocado gasps and tries to wipe it WITH the bloodied towel, which results with me laughing until Willow put my hair in her mouth and resulted in me screaming more.

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