The biggest huff

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I was at Hebrew school, and the teacher told me to give me these papers, to give to this certain girl to pass out.
I get the papers and walk over to this girl.
"Take one and pass it." I say.
Here's the best part. I'll say it in a way that a dramatic writer would.

She took the papers from godsofpercyjackson's hands, picking one paper from the stack slowly, here eyes still making contact with hers. She inhales deeply and lets it out in the most annoying way possible, rolling her eyes and passing the papers, also not wasting a moment to take a sip from her Starbucks drink.

Was that okay? That was pretty good to me. Anyway, this girl for some reason doesn't like me, probably because I give her judgmental looks when she takes her phone out in the middle of class and snapchats under the table.
I would say something but yunno I don't want to waste this 5 seconds that I could be doing that.

I don't know how many times I have used that gif but I'll find new ones, so don't fret ;)

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I don't know how many times I have used that gif but I'll find new ones, so don't fret ;)

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