Non-existant boyfriend.

19 6 1

I wrote about this, that my friends and I have this family thing going on where I came from a pumpkin, MadHatter895 Goatsareboss1234 UniPegasus214 are my moms (not married). WillowWolf1000 Potato423 my aunts (not together). Avocado is my uncle (she's a girl). Make_Me_A_Sandwich is my grandma, (he's a boy).

So today they created a nonexistent boyfriend for me.
His name is Todd.
He has braces.
And apparently he once tried to give me flowers but they were lit on fire and the acid lawn sprayers were turned on him.
Since my birthday was yesterday, in this nonexistent world, I now have a nonexistent boyfriend who I didn't know about until today.
"We had to choose between this guy and a guy with a leather jacket and Mohawk." Uncle Avocado says.
"Why not the other guy?" I ask.
"Because he looked like trouble." Mom Uni says.
"And the other guy was cute."
"For someone who is a drawing?"

"Where was I when this was decided?" I asked.
"Oh, you weren't there."
"When did this happen?!"
"Today, during drama class."


MEHTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang