Chapter Four

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Dedicated to tyguy12, who somehow always manages to be the very first person to vote on my new updates - every single time!!!
Thank you for the support!

Suzanna walked through the main hall of the castle, nodding and smiling at a few of the commoners who stood and walked nearby. She was heading to meet Duke Wilson who had asked to take her on a picnic - with the chaperoning of her two younger siblings, of course. They had spent nearly every day together and Suzanna was beginning to grow fond of the man.

A squeal of laughter broke out through the hall. Suzanna looked up to see a small figure darting toward her at full speed.

"Oh!" Suzanna gasped as the child nearly ran into her. The girl just managed to avoid colliding and sprinted past her, a mess of giggles and panting. Suzanna turned around to watch the girl sprint down the hall and turn a corner. How peculiar. She turned back around to see a familiar figure run into the hall.

"Hadley!" he called, looking slightly frustrated and yet amused. His gaze travelled through the hall and landed on Suzanna. She tensed, half expecting another scolding from him - perhaps he would tell her she should not be standing the way she was or wearing the colour dress she had chosen! They stared at each other for a brief moment.

"She ran around the corner," Suzanna finally said, desperate to break the silence.

"Who?" Samuel asked, looking in a daze.

"The girl... you were chasing her, were you not?"

"Oh, yes," Samuel replied, blinking once and shaking his head quickly. "I apologise, I lost my train of thought."

"Well... if you leave now you may have a chance of catching her," Suzanna said tensely. Samuel frowned.

"Princess Suzanna," he began.

"I have to go, excuse me," Suzanna said quickly, before he could continue. She was sure he was about to share another one of his stern opinions with her. She began walking but Samuel immediately fell into step with her.

"You are angry with me, my lady," he stated.

"No," she responded as she continued walking.

"Your manner and reluctance to even look at me say otherwise," Samuel pressed. Suzanna looked at him pointedly. "Suzanna, stop," he sighed.

"Princess," she replied firmly. Samuel looked confused and Suzanna crossed her arms, stopping so she could speak. "To you I am Princess Suzanna - if not, I am 'my lady' or 'Your Highness', but never just Suzanna."

"I apologise, it just slipped out," he responded, his frustrated expression intact.

"See that it does not happen again," Suzanna ordered, half surprised by her own behaviour.

"I did not realise you hated me so much," Samuel muttered, crossing his own arms.

"I do not hate you," she answered shortly.

"Tell me - how is it that a Princess with a reputation of speaking so much is able to say so little to me?" Samuel asked, his tone irked.

Suzanna dropped her folded arms and took a small step back, hurt by his words.

"I do not hate you, but I find you to be rather unpleasant company. First you order me about and scold me for trying to help a servant, now you stand here displeased that I have nothing to say to you. But even if I were to speak without end, even then I am sure you would find a way to fault me. It seems that nothing I do will please you, and I do not know what I have done to you to deserve only disciplining and anger from you. I thought since you are such a close friend to my brother then you must be at least a half-decent fellow, but all I have seen is arrogance and misplaced authority in you. I am not in the habit of befriending people who treat me wrong, and I do not intend to start now," Suzanna ranted, sure her skin was turning as red as the anger boiling within her. Samuel's jaw tightened.

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