Chapter Six

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Focusing on the sound of a subtle squeak I notice the door on the right side of the check in area open slowly. A women in a blue uniform comes out with a brown clipboard that she grasps in her hand.

"Jessica -."

"That's me." I announce quickly before she has the chance to say my last name in front everyone. Turning to Jay I smile trying not to act suspicious, "I'm sorry being able to see my baby is making me feel some sort of way. My nerves are shot I'm not sure what to feel honestly."

"Trust me I understand." She assures following me to the nurse.

"Good evening Jessica. I will be taking your blood, checking your blood pressure and vitals."

"Good evening," I mumble as she begins with my blood pressure. She puts the necessary tool around my upper arms and squeezes it causing my hand to get numb in the process. "Perfetto" she states meaning perfect in Italian. Continuing with my heart rate and temperature she leaves explaining that the doctor will be with me shortly.

Inhaling and exhaling my heart rate increases and not because I'm nervous to see the ultrasound -which I am-. However, I'm nervous and guilty because of Harry, this child is his and I'm hiding that from him. I basically lied about it when Sophia explained that the guys overheard us and I left the country because of what he did. I can't just take our baby away from him. That would be horrible not just for Harry but for the baby. Psychological it's hard on a child not to have both parents present in their life. I don't know if I could do that even if it's still the size of a pea or bean right now.

Opening the door the doctor finally enter. He is really cute with that ginger hair and blue eyes, but that's not what causes my heart rate to increase, it's the fact that I'll be seeing my baby really soon.

"Hello, you must be Jessica you're from London right?"

"Hi, yeah that's me." I reply nervously I'm not sure how far along I am yet or if I want a male doctor, I feel like that might be awkward during birth and I'm quite nervous.

"Are you ready? I'm going to need you to move to the examination table." He says pointing to the blue bed with wax paper and stirrups. Oh I hope I'm not using those that's not the kind of check up I'm here for.

"I'm ready," I pause moving onto the bed, "I would've went on it earlier but I thought you'd remove the stirrups first?"

"They're not removable they'll just be pushed to the side. So how far along are you?" The doctor questions trying to start a conversation as he grabs the sonogram.

"I'm not sure I was hoping you could help with that?" I joke. He seems nice and I can see why Jay likes him looking over to her I smile and nod my head towards him hinting that he's cute.

"I can definitely do that I'm going to need you to pull up your shirt a little bit and your pants down so I can capture the image." He says looking between the two of us and smiling.

"Yes, sir." Pulling my shirt up a good few inches I unbuckle my high waisted jeans and pull them down to where they are just above my crouch. I don't think I'm ready for this, Harry's supposed to be here. I know I should hate him, but my emotions are all over the place because of pregnancy hormones. Holding in my tears, I close my eyes for a second knowing I'll be seeing my baby soon.

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