Chapter Twelve

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"Thank you, I know this sounds strange, but are you pregnant? I remember seeing you at the OB/GYN the same day as me."

Opening my mouth to begin speaking I am interrupted by the waiter. As he starts to speak I can't help zoning out as my nostrils notice the wonderful aroma pushed my way thanks to the Italian breeze. Men's cologne smells amazing and if I wasn't hungry I'd probably go up to him and sniff his neck.

"Ready to order, Madams?" Handing us menus I look at the entrees and know exactly what I want instantly. The Minestrone in this country is absolutely delicious the vegetables and beans go greatly with the broth and I'm sure this restaurant will do it justice.

"Yes, I'll have a minestrone and your signature salad please." I state looking at Isabella who's still peering through the menu.

"Okay and for you?" He questions looking at her.

"A pizza and some cake would be lovely." She smiles handing him the menu and looking over to me, "I cannot stop myself when it comes to cake, it's all the baby likes."

"Awe, I know how that is." I respond wondering if I'll lose my job over this pregnancy.

"Ahh, so you were the person I saw at my office! This is amazing our babies will be the best of friends."

"Yep, how far along are you?" I hope she isn't going to judge me since I told her I'm not married.

"About fourteen weeks and you?"

"Same actually, but I feel like something's wrong my stomach it is still very small."

"Don't worry everyone is different I'm sure everything is fine. As for this dinner I was told to inform you that Dr.Dons son is having a dinner and you're invited. He really wants to get to know you."

"Interesting, let me know when he would like to meet. Any ideas on what it's about?"

"I will and honestly I'm not sure, he's probably shocked that a women got the job not many women here major in psychology."

Throughout the whole dinner I enjoy the food that they did a lovely job on as we converse about everything from our husbands to advise on babies. Unfortunately, the night catches up with us and before it's over I'm shocked that the time flew by so quickly and happy to know someone else who has a child-I can get advice from her- and one on the way. By the time I get home I am mentally and psychically causing me to rush straight to my delicate, cozy bed.


Taking one last bite of breakfast I tumble from my chair and dash so I can arrive on time to Dr. Hemmy office.

Today, I'm meeting the deceased psychologists son for dinner and I just want to stop worrying about my stomach and how little weight I've gained if I even gained any weight. I need to have a clear mind so he doesn't fire me. I have a bad feeling and I'm not sure what it's about, but my anxiety is definitely getting the best of me. Trying to follow my own medical advice I take a deep breath and enjoy the scenery. The soft green shades coming from the mountains is surreal and calming.

Finally arriving at the clinic I sign in and take a seat. Leaning back against the chair I reminisce about the past- to a time before I met Harry. Things were simpler then I didn't have a cheating a husband I had a great best friend. Louis was always there for me and even though we had a sibling relationship sometimes I wish we were soulmates instead. He would never cheat on anyone he couldn't hurt a bug, his heart is so sweet. Ironically I always thought he would be the one to find trouble or cheat, but it turned out to be Harry. I don't regret being conceiving a child and I'm happy to be having a baby I just wish it could be under different circumstances with two loving parents.

"Jessica-" the same nurse as last time calls staring directly at me. She must have really good memory, we've only met once.

"Good morning hope you're having a good day," I state enthusiastically smiling at her.

"Awe thank you so much. You're very sweet." She continues prepping my room and gestures for me to take a seat. As I do so she grabs the blood pressure tool and continues doing what she's supposed to. She finally leaves in a blink which makes me sad since that means the doctor will be here soon and I don't want to be worried. Looking around the room I observe many photos of parents with their newborn babies which causes a sole tear to hit my cheek wiping it away I look away from the posters and straight to my hands. I can't let myself feel so somber it's just hard to fathom how I won't be able to have a baby shower or a gender reveal party. My parents are supposed to know they are going to be grandparents soon.

Jumping a little as the door opens I try not to seem sad.

"Hello, Mrs.Styles. Is everything okay? It's a little to early for our next checkup."

"Yeah I'm just worried my baby bump is almost invisible and I've just been so anxious lately." I respond as he listens intently writing everything down. He seems normal I really hope he doesn't know about Harry since he definitely knows my last name. I was unaware that doctors paid so much attention to their charts.

"Everyone gains their weight differently and your anxiety is likely to be caused by your pregnancy hormones, but how about I take a look?"

"Please do." Grabbing the hem of my shirt I pull it up and lay down as he brings the sonogram closer. Moving the probe around his facial expressions look neutral and my heart begins to flutter as I pick up on a silent heartbeat. Looking at the screen my baby looks so small and my frown most definitely turns upside down.

"See there's nothing to worry about you baby looks completely healthy and as long as you take your vitamins and stop stressing everything will be fine." He assures me handing me a picture.

Getting up I wrap my arms around the doctor and mumble,"Thank you so much Doctor," since my mouth is hitting his chest.

"You're welcome and please call me Luke we've been over this!"

"Thank you Luke." I respond again this time not hugging him.

"You're welcome," he begins pulling a pen and paper from his pocket he begins to write something and hands it to me, "This is my number don't hesitate to call me if you ever have a problem."

Nodding we part ways and I head back home deciding not to get dressed early I knock on Jays door so we can hang out for a little bit before she heads to work. We haven't had much quality time since I begin working. Reading up on patients and figuring out their minds is very complex and time consuming.

Authors Note: Hi guys sorry I haven't updated in a while and this chapter isn't that great I've just been feeling indifferent lately. I'd like to thank you for the comments they really motivated and hopefully I'll be updating again really soon.
If theirs any grammatical errors please let me know and if you have any ideas for what you'd like the next chapter to be about comment below.

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