Chapter Twenty-Seven

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After speaking with the neurologist last night, I could not sleep. I was completely and utterly wide awake, to the extent of a college student on a caffeine overload, I was focused on the past, the present, and evidently the future. Every crevice of my mind was consumed with thoughts about Harry and his family, the way that they were unaware of the new addition to the family. The growing baby in my womb was just as much as me a part of them and all because of a misunderstanding they were kept in the dark, the same way I was months earlier.

Poor Harry, all this time I had vilified him and like me I'm sure he grieved over my miscarriage. One of our biggest similarities was our love for children. When we looked at the future we had alway's hoped to have children of our own, a big family, that we could share our lives with. Looking back at yesterday, my parents were right when they said this could be a chance for our family to be happy again with no one getting in our way. Another chance to start over and to just forgive him for the ways I previously felt.

I wanted to leave the hospital and just go to him right now. I don't know what I should tell him but, looking at the clock one last time I thinks its finally a decent time for me to leave the hospital without looking strange. So before heading out of my mums room I make sure to leave a note for my parents informing them of my departure so they're not alarmed when they wake up, as well as
, leaving Paul a message to pick me up.

By the time he get's here I have pulled a book from my bag since I know our fridge is empty, so I can make a list to give to Paul. If he goes in the grocery store for me I'll be able to avoid running into anyone or being photographed by the paparazzi. Waiting for him I try to come up with the words to say. I do not know what to tell Harry, but by the time I have some idea we've already made it home.

Taking the step into the place I tried escaping months earlier I feel at ease with myself. It's really quiet in here meaning everyone's still asleep and as I make my way to the kitchen I'm still bothered by how frail Harry looks so I prepare my ingredients to make him a fatty breakfast consisting of a lot of protein and sugar. I start with the avocado pancakes to give him a proper dose of healthy fats and put some bacon and sausage on the grill sizzling them every once in a while. When they finish cooking I place them on a tray with some orange juice and pre-made muffins to up his calorie intake and head to our bedroom where I assume he's sleeping.

Slowly I get the door open and place the tray on the dresser before going up to him. Tapping the tip of his nose with my finger I whisper his name and watch as his hand glides over his face. Sighing I try shaking his shoulder and speaking in a louder tone. "Harry... Harry..." I repeat until his eyes finally open and a bright smile appears on his face.

"Good morning" he says in a rough, groggy morning voice that makes my insides melt. Stop it Jessica it's just pregnancy hormones you're still mad at him.

"Good morning, I made you breakfast and I'm not leaving until you eat everything." I inform him grabbing the tray and setting it on his lap. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Thank you, I was hoping to see you last night." He states as he gobbles on his food in a slow manner.

"Yeah, I wanted to come earlier. I just- I just needed some time to think. I was wondering if I could invite your family over for a visit soon? Once you're feeling better of course," I mention as I try to come up with a way to tell them all that Harry's going to be a father. After all this would be better for the baby.

"Oh, is this so you can tell everyone you're divorcing me?" He asks looking down at his plate. Sighing at myself I wonder how I was so angry at him. Being mad is okay, but I took it  to a whole new level when my memories resurfaced.

"Of course not. We both had different views and maybe in your mind you really thought I wasn't ready to hear the truth, but I was. I'm still a little upset with you, but I won't push you away anymore not until I hear your side of the story." I calmly explain. Placing my hand on my ear to signal that he should speak, he did just that. He provided his point of view on the way Eleanor pushed herself onto him and that he felt so guilty when we lost the baby causing me to flinch from the memory. As he continued he explains that he wanted to tell me for a while, but he feared losing me. The day he thought I could've been pregnant he flew back home to see me around the same time I reached the airport. As it turns out he was the reason there was paparazzi when I got to the airport. We had missed each other by a minute and if he had gotten to me earlier my whole journey to Italy might not have happened. All the milestones from seeing the first sonogram to hearing the first heartbeat could have occurred with him by my side.

Wiping the tears that I didn't notice I told myself to stop thinking of the past.

"Why are you crying?" Harry whispered wiping away my tears as well. I know he was waiting for an answer, but there was nothing my mind could foster.

Gulping down I whimpered, "Im sorry. It  just doesn't make any sense. If everything happens for a reason then why didn't I see you at the airport I saw the paparazzi and if I saw you that day things could have been different. We might not have been together but I would've been here with my family. Instead everyone was suffering, including you. You look so frail and weak and it's all my fault."

"Stop" he starts, raising his voice as he explains, "this isn't anybody's fault. I should've told you you the truth earlier and maybe you shouldn't of left, but if you stayed you would've been miserable. Sophias miscarriage on one of the twins would have triggered you and you would've resented me even more. Maybe we needed a break from each other."

He was right the trip to Italy helped me in a way and I was able to meet a great friend and experience more life watching a baby however, as I repeated his words in my head my eyebrows started to squint in confusion. "I don't remember Sophia having twins." I thought to myself as I spoke it out loud.

"Yeah the baby was hiding and didn't show up on the sonogram during your trip with her it  wasn't until a month later when she experienced some pain that Dona Gigi noticed a second child on the sonogram. There was something wrong with her and she didn't make it during the emergency cesarean delivery. Only baby Julia survived."

"Oh. When Will said he had a sister in heaven I assumed that the baby died. Does that mean theres another sister of his alive?"

"Yeah theres Julia Jess Payne and then Faith Darrien Payne who didn't make it  ." He explained.

"Thats so sad." I whined. Trying to distract myself I peer my eyes and look at his plate that happens to be empty. As I smile I hope that with us living together he will get healthy again. Grabbing the tray I decide to make more breakfast for Louis, William, and myself only to have Harry take it from me. "Hey! What was that for?"

"I can take it. Thank you for breakfast" He cheers giving me a quick peck on the cheek as he heads out of our bedroom causing me to open my mouth in an "O" shape. I was not expecting that. I'm not ready for us to be anything again.

Heading out of the room I see William and Louis heading out of their guest room. Nodding at my friend and smiling at the toddler I whisper, "you forgot to tell me about the second baby," to Louis.

"I thought you knew she was having two." he stated slowing down to walk by me.

"How didn't I see her though?"

"You slept through most of the day and night and left before she woke up. How'd everything go with Harry he came into my room really cheerful just to tell me good-morning."

"I listened to him, he listened to me and I asked if I could invite his family over to tell everyone together. He did kiss my cheek though I'm hoping I didn't give him mixed signals when I told him I wasn't filing for divorce."

"I'm sure he knows you're not ready to get back together he's just happy your here. He even took Julia for me, which I really needed I barely got any sleep last night." He states as we trotted to the kitchen where I wanted to make breakfast for everyone else, but Louis made me rest in the sitting room. How am I going to hide the "bed rest" order?

Authors Note: Hi guys I just wanted to thank you all for reading. I'm sorry it    took so long to finish I had really bad writers block. I'm hoping to upload more often. Tell me what you'd like to see next or what you hope the next chapter is like.

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