Chapter Twenty-Five

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The sound of the road drifting across the pavement as we got closer to the place I used to call home, the place I was supposed to live in with my Husband until we departed from this world caused my heart rate to increase. It was so loud as it pounded against my rib cage. Breathing in and out I try to calm myself, because any stress on me is stress on the baby too.

As we arrived, the gate to our house was closed and two guards nodded towards us. They were awaiting our arrival so they could let us in. Knowing the door will be unlocked I tried to stay in the car as long as I could without noticeable stalling. Looking over to the small display mirror in the car I made sure my face still looked dull and scrolled through my phone ignoring the notifications I know I'd never answer.

"You can do this, Jessica" I reassured myself in a whisper. Opening my door I stepped out closing the door slowly so Paul could catch up to me. Heading to the door, I slammed in Eleanor's face the day I left this place, I try to ignore the negative aroma she created. Making a fist I begin to tap on the door when it opens unexpectedly.

Harry's shirt is in my sight as he's always been taller then me so I move my head up and meet his eyes trying to be as firm as possible. I want to speak, but there are no words that can be formed after all I've been through.

"Thank you for coming." He smiles hopeful, his optimism would have usually worked, however, not in matters of getting my heart back. Nodding my head I move in once he's out of my way. Heading towards the living room that I believe is the best place to talk I take a seat on the singular couch so he can't sit beside me. I don't think I'll be able to handle any psychical contact with him. Looking ahead of me where I hope he'll sit I feel the comforting grip of Paul's hand on my shoulder, I'm sure he's trying to reassure me that everything will be okay. "Thank you for looking after her Paul. I truly appreciate it , but I was hoping we could talk in private if that would be okay?"

"I th-" Paul begins only to be silenced by my courage.

"I can speak for myself Harry. I can decide if he stays or goes and I will be making my own decisions" I ordered rolling my eyes. Folding my arms to keep my emotions at bay I hope not to quiver "How could you? You lied to me from the moment we left the hospital. You never let me grieve over our baby or hear your side of the story knowing one day I'd remember everything."

Looking into his dull green eyes I could see both sadness and regret. As he spoke, "I was going to tell you. I just didn't know when. As soon as I found out you could've been pregnant I took the first flight over here to tell you everything. I knew you'd be mad and I was going to support whatever decision you made, but I had to tell you. I'm sorry I didn't sooner. I wanted to then our tour came along and I couldn't tell you and leave. Maybe there was never a right time or maybe I was scared of your reaction, but even as we rebuilt our relationship I kept all of this in the back of my head I could barely eat if it wasn't for you feeding me and when you left I haven't been able to do anything," I could see the weakness he had instead of being built he was scrawny and his arms were so skinny they looked like they could break with a single touch.

"I lost months of my life because of you. I thought you cheated on me. I just can't understand why you couldn't tell me." I stayed firm on my statements and decided to make some food as I moved to the kitchen with Harry following me.

"I didn't cheat on you. That was your deal breaker and I loved you and still love you more than anybody else in the world. You're my soulmate and you saw it with your own eyes you know the way I kiss and that I was trying to push Eleanor away that day." He explained sounding very hopeful about us being "soulmates."

Even if I wasn't planning on divorcing him anymore I don't think I'll ever be able to fully love him. Or maybe I will which is the problem I always forgive.

"The problem isn't the cheating anymore Harry. I know you didn't cheat now. Louis helped me realize that, but the problem is you lied to me and didn't tell me the truth. When I was bleeding abnormally you had the doctors say it was nothing. That's not right. You had our friends lie to me well your friends." I yelled as I pulled the eggs, potatoes, and fruits out of the fridge. He really looked unhealthy and although I wasn't going to forgive him eventually he'd know about our child and I'd need him healthy for that.

"Wait, Louis? You were with him yesterday? He acted as if he didn't know where you are. See he is your friend and so are the rest of the guys and girls."

"They're just acquaintances to me you're their real friends and I did know Louis first. Now let's not change the subject. You lied to me and hid my miscarriage from me. Didn't you think I felt something missing? A void" I question as my voice breaks.

"The doctor didn't want us to tell you everything. He thought the stress of the loss would make it even harder for your memories to resurface. I'm sorry I don't know what else to do. I promise that I will tell you I love you everyday and show you that I do. Maybe one day you'll say it back, but it's okay if you don't. I know you probably want a divorce, but we did say we'd be together till death do us part. I never cheated or did anything that would make it okay..."

"Except lie, look I don't know if I want to divorce you yet, but I do know that I'm not just going to act like nothing ever happened. For the media and public we can act married and I'll move back here since this is my house. However, behind closed doors I don't know what we'll be like." I tell Harry knowing that the only reason I'm even thinking about staying in this marriage is for my child and it's psychological state if it grew up with divorced parents. "I'm going to see my parents and I don't want you there. That's my only rule. I lost time with them because of your lies and now I want to spend time with them alone. What Eleanor did to us was wrong, you lying was even worse. To make this work all I want is you to stay away from the hospital until I'm ready to spend time with you."

"So, you'll stay here?" Harry questions with an apparent shock in his voice. Finishing up the food, I put his plate on the table and make my smoothie.

"Yeah, but I'm asking Louis to come stay here and I'm going to my parents right now. You should just eat and maybe go to the gym you look very weak and sick which isn't good for anyone. I'll be back in time for dinner, but after going to the gym be sure to get some lunch you need all the protein you can have." I inform him putting my smoothie in reusable cup so, I can leave and update my parents on what I'm doing and what Eleanor did. Heading out the door I don't listen to what Harry replies and text Louis asking him to live with me. Paul is still in the living room since he never followed us so I call him to ask for his assistance taking me to my mother.

Authors Note: Hi guys thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you want Harry and Jessica to talk about and if you think they should have talked about something else. I appreciate your reads and hope for more votes and comments. They truly motivate me.

P.S. Next chapter may be up tomorrow or the day after.

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