Chapter Eight

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"Don't you remember?" The words etched to my brain.

Harry's forrest green eyes began transforming to almost black as he repeated the same words over and over and over again.

The baby in my arm began sobbing louder and louder until it's face was a monstrous purple. I tried to scream, but nothing escaped my mouth it was as if I was mute. Not even a cry would be heard.

"I hate you. You took me away from my dad." The baby spoke in a voice so dark it sounded satanic. Tears dripped down my face and all I wanted was to go hide.

My eyes are wet, my cheeks are soaked and I'm cold. Sitting up I discover that I'm back in my apartment. Wiping the sweat off my forehead and the tears off my face I thank god that it was just a nightmare. The things I perceived were distressing and I don't want to think about them again. Frowning I'm aware that they will always haunt me.

Turning slightly around I look at Emily to make sure I didn't wake her up. Thankfully, she's still asleep snoring softly. As I focus on her I try to ignore the bad thoughts the nightmare gave me, but I can't she's a baby and in my dream I'm haunted by my baby.

I feel like crying. Even though I know that it was just a nightmare and not what my baby would want or do I put my hand on my small bump while my lips tremble. As I whisper, "I am so sorry."

I feel so bad knowing that my bundle won't get to know its father. The fright I got makes me feel even worse I'm not sure what to do or why these thoughts are so dark. Dreams are a passage for our subconscious. Maybe because I was thinking of going home I got this dream? I'm not certain. However, I am worried about why Harry looked like a devil, that would be a sign not to go home. Shaking my head I try to distract myself heading to the kitchen.

Thinking about what to eat I decide on a marshmallow salad. Opening the metallic fridge I grab all the necessary ingredients; marshmallows, sour cream, tangerines, sweetened cherries, and pineapples adding a new ingredient that I'm craving. Cutting the fruits I add the marshmallows and sour cream mixing them all together. Unfortunately, before I can eat them they have to sit in the fridge to soften.

As thoughts begin to race my mind I try to think of something else to do. I can't go on my social media because Harry could use these to find me, I still haven't ordered tv, and I've already organized everything in my home. Hmm what should I do? Checking up on Emily I see she's still asleep. Can't do anything with her so I head to my room. Looking at my dresser I remember that I can call about my job. This could definitely distract me and it can help me stay distracted if I get the job.

I'll have a reason to stay here. Something permanent until my child is born. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket I remember that I already typed in her number. Pressing call, I close my eyes and hope for the best as the phone rings. With each ring, I lose hope that she's not going to answer. I'm sure the answering machine is coming and I begin to hang up when someone says, "Ciao."

Pausing myself from hanging up I put the phone back on my ear. Calming myself, I smile and begin to speak confidently, "Ciao, Chiamo per l'opportunità di lavoro psicologia. parli inglese?" Which translates to 'Hello, I am calling about the job opportunity regarding psychology. Do you speak English?'

"Hi, I do speak English. What is your name? And what university did you graduate from?" The person I'm assuming she's female since she sounds feminine and Jay said it was a lady replies.

"I'm Jessica and I graduated at The University College London. I have all my files and resume if you'd like me to email them to you. Hope you're doing good?" I answer quietly. I'm excited, but I don't want her to think I'm to loud or anything. Plus that would wake up the baby.

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