Chapter Seventeen

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the London City Airport. The local time is 16:00 and the temperature is 7 degrees Celsius. Make sure to dress appropriately as the weather is quite chilly and please enjoy your stay in England." The pilot informs as he continues to speak about the airplane landing rules and thanks us for choosing the airline he works for.

Zoning him out I begin to question the future I'm so worried about my mum, but I really don't want to run into Harry. What if he's at the hospital? What if he figures out thatI'm carrying his child? I know he'd want to be apart of its life. However, why should he be apart of its life or anyone's life with all his compulsive lies? I know I do not want him in mine.

Looking at my outfit I determine that he won't figure it out since I'm wearing high-heels, that no pregnant lady would ever wear for more then ten minutes, and a black dress that's definitely slimming. Grabbing my purse from under my seat I grab a pair of cat eye style sunglasses that cover most of my face and use a thin neck scarf to cover half of my head. I don't want to be recognized by anyone since the paparazzi doesn't know I've been gone and I wouldn't want them to find out.

Standing up I mentally pat myself in the back for getting a seat in first class because I get to exit before almost everyone.

Giving the the flight attendants a nod to greet them, I exit as quickly as I can and focus on signs that inform me where to go. They are located on the ceilings of the airport and very easy to read. Flashing through all the security points I ask a worker to help me grab my luggages from the baggage claim. As he abides I grab some money to tip him and take my luggage.

Pulling my cellular phone out of my satchel I remember that the SIM card I have won't work here. Going to one of the phone service booths in the airport I ask for a new SIM card and give the worker my account name preparing for him to recognize my name I wonder what I can do.

"Here's your SIM card." He hands me it and doesn't ask me anything. Wow, I think to myself as I begin to enter Paul -one of Harry and I's security guards- number into my phone.

As the telephone line begins to ring I listen patiently moving my arms I signal a taxi driver to put my luggage in the trunk. Thankfully he does it very quickly and I tell him to take me to the hospital when Paul finally answers and appears to speak.

"Jessica? Where have you been?" He questions very slowly probably shocked that I've called him that he's speaking to me. Before I let him in on anything I make sure that he knows not to tell Harry my business.

"Hi Paul, before I tell you anything I need to know that everything I say will be confidential. That you'll leave Harry and only work for me. I'll make sure you still receive the same pay, but I need someone I can trust. What do you say?"

"Of course, are you okay? I'm not with Harry right now I'm just at your home watching over it with the other guys." He informs me so sincere and truthful that I'm confident he'll be there for me.

Paul has always been great at his job and I honestly consider him a friend. Whenever I'd be stuck in hotels because fans were mobbing us, he would make sure no moment was dull making jokes and having the time fly by as I waited for Harry to come back from events.

"I'm fine, I heard about my mum and I'm on my way to the hospital. Do you think you can meet me there? As of now the only person I really need protection from is Harry."

"You got it dear! I just need to inform the boss that I quit and I'll be there right away. I'll text you as soon as I get there."

"Awesome, thank you." I beamed ending the phone call.

Oh shoot I forgot to ask what was wrong with my mother and what room she's in. Which means I'll have to ask the front desk and I know they'll probably inform the security guards outside the room that I've arrived which will lead to them to informing Harry.

"We've reached our destination, madam."

"Thank you so much." I praised the taxi driver swiping my credit card to pay him. There's no use in hiding the fact that I'm here Harry will find out sooner or later. I just need to make sure that I avoid him at all costs and that I speak up for myself if he tries to converse with me.

Handing me my luggage he says goodbye as I stroll into the hospital. Going to the information desk I grab my identification card knowing that's what they'll ask for once I ask for my own mothers room number. That's one disadvantage of the unwanted fame that Harry unintentionally gave me. Everyone try's to get a story on celebrities even if it's about tragedies or injuries.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The worker questions quietly. She must be new to the job as she is very shy.

Smiling at her I hope she won't give me trouble. Handing her my identification I begin to speak when she stops me.

"I know you. You're here to see your mother she's in room 908. I've been instructed to call the guards upstairs when you arrive."

As I'm about to come up with an excuse and speak, I'm interrupted, "Hi, I'm one of the guards working for Mister and Misses Styles you won't have to inform anyone on anything I just called them." Paul insists flashing his badge in her face.

"Okay, sorry about your mother!" She croaks to me as Paul wraps his arm around my shoulder and basically drags me to the elevator. Wrapping my arms around him I give him a big hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're literally a lifesaver."

"It's not a problem. I've missed you child."

"I've missed you too and I'm not a child we're only like ten years apart." I joke folding my arms like a stubborn child.

"More like twenty, but you know I'm kidding. Anyways, I was talking with the other guards before I quit and I found out that Harry will be leaving the hospital for about a half hour to get your father food that he probably won't accept."

"Why wouldn't he accept it? Is my mother okay? What happened?" I sniffled trying very hard not to cry.

"You probably don't want to hear about it and I don't want to make you anxious. Let's just get you up to see Janet and I'll explain everything right after you see her. We need to get up there soon since I'm pretty sure Harry just left."

Moving aside as the elevator dinged informing me that someone was coming out I was shocked when I heard the voice I've been dreading to hear.

AN: Hiiii, everyone thank you so much for reading my story and supporting me it truly means a lot! Please vote and comment as it makes me smile and motivates me to keep going.

I just wanted to give a special thank you to the people who usually comment on every chapter of my story you guys are awesome friends.

To my ghost readers please don't be shy! Vote, comment, let me know how you're doing and what you'd like to see. I make sure to reply to everyone so don't hesitate to write me I won't ignore anyone. I'm going to start pre-writing chapters so I can update weekly or bi-weekly on Fridays, Saturday, or Sunday's so be prepared for updates more frequently.

Who do you think Jess heard speaking? Eleanor, Harry, Sophia?

Do you guys think Paul is being loyal?

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