chapter twenty seven:Is it over yet. part two

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Kaitlyn's POV
As she stares at me I ask myself if i did yhe right thing. I left the competition to be here and if i don't know what she wants so i can go back the new directions will be over. Suddenly a smile appears on her face. "Kaitlyn i...i am really happy you came here and risked everything to tell me how you feel but..but i just i need time...time for myself and time to forgive you and i promise i wanna forgive you but right now i need time to just think about me." Then she kissed my cheek and boarded the plane. I sigh feeling shattered nit able to move.

In auditorium
Emmett's POV
I jog up the stairs backstage to Mr. Shuester.  He smiles at me as i catch my breath. "Mr. Shue." I say in between breaths. We both smile. "I thought you were going home?" He asked. I walk towards him noding my head. "How could i leave you when you need me the most (pause) your my teacher and I'm not ready to let go not yet." I tell him. He starts to cry as i pull him into a hug. "Top three please come on stage." The judge said through the intercom. We release from our hug. "I'll wait." I tell him. He shales his head. "Not gonna happen your on that stage or no one is on that stage." He tells me. I nod as he laughs. We stand on stage with the new directions.  "In third place....the leonards. " the lady gives them there trophy. We smile glad we are in the final two. "Now in first place...." he begins. The croed grows silent both teams looking at another. "From Dalton Academy in waterfalle, The Warblers." The croed screams but we don't move. It's over. Glee club is officially over.

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