Rich Bowman

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Vanoss P.O.V:

I scattered the Bar looking for Rich Bowman, I got his name by one of his that I was torturing 'friends', Victor York, also a rich folk but was going to do bankrupt in a few months.

I target him because I saw him in Canada and follow him and "Night Crew".

i don't have many friends since I like to be alone but some people I became acquaintance with gave me good information about them, the kind that can destroy the crew.

It's was a small file named 164 and all I had to do was cut it on their soldiers skin for me to become one of their biggest targets.

After torturing Victor, I didn't get what I want but he did gave me a name, Rich Bowman. The one preparing a whiskey on the rocks for one of our customers, it's funny how one of my targets is working in the same place as Derek is.

He is rich but coming here to work, I think helps him clear his mind especially if they are in big trouble and grieving from their friend's death.

I made sure I was working somewhere around when he received the news that Victor was murder and I'm sure he knows he is next.

He would always come here, almost like his safe zone. The drinks are everywhere and he drowns in them

"Yo, Derek. Get to work" Ana yelled at me and I roll my eyes before grabbing a glass and drying it with a towel.

The name is Evan Fong also known as Vanoss, I work alone, fast and light.

I came to Los Angeles following Night Crew when they took my older brother, Jackson Fong, life away.

A clean cut to the throat from a butterfly knife, found him on his bedroom floor when I came back from pocket picking. I saw the letters big and bold -that made me do the same with my targets- written with my brothers blood, NIGHT CREW.

I look into them for revenge, I had so many questions as what was the deal between him and them?

What did he do to deserve this? But every time, I get a new target they tell me the same thing... "I'm just a side piece, I don't know how they look like" which is really frustrating.

"DEREK WHOA DEREK" I heard yelling in my ear. I turn to my right to see Erik with a horror look on his face as he glances down.

I look down to see my right hand cover in red with piece of glass sticking in my hand and the rag on the floor.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention" I mutter and Ashley comes in view then quickly puts a white rag on my hand which is now soak in blood.

"Let's get you to a hospital and-"

"No! No" I cut off Ashley. "I mean, I got it. Doesn't even hurt" it really doesn't, I meant lose my target tonight and I can't afford that.

Erik looks at me wanting to protest but gives up and walks me over to the back sink. I look back at Rich, he almost looks like he was about to pass out

"Don't make me lose customers, Derek" I turn to face Ana with her arms cross, I shrug before placing my hands under the freezing water as she patted my back and left to go fulfilled the customers needs.

"Are you alright?" My head snap up to see green eyes that belong to the one and only, Rich Bowman.

"Yeah, just small cuts that's all" I use this opportunity to get close to my co-worker

"That's small to you? I'll like to see big. Wait, no I don't" Rich shakes his head, his black hair with a few grey strands bouncing.

"I had worse, one time I actually broke a bottle of wine. A huge piece of glass was stuck on my arm, I think I still have some in there" I quickly made up a story and saw him turn pale. "You don't have much experience with blood do you?" I remove my hand from the water just to see the small cuts bleed again. Rich moved back and turn around as I wrap a towel around my hand.

"No, I faint at the sight of blood"

"Why are you here then?"

"I just wanted to make sure that you are okay. Don't like hospitals?" Rich asks

"No, what gave it away?" I roll my eyes, I hate playing dumb... I just want to.. Mu eyes trailed to the fork beside me.

I quickly grab his hand before grabbing the fork and stabbing his hand with it, his screams danced around me. I remove the fork and I put my hand on the back of his neck before contacting the fork with it.

I felt a tap on my shoulder as I slowly came back to reality. I turn to see Rich without the fork to his neck, I frown.

"Huh?" I ask

"I was saying that I overheard you denied the offer and It was just a lucky guess"

This wasn't the way the night was suppose to go, I would mostly be the one making friends with them. But I think this is the only chance I got

"You normally don't work on the weekdays, it seems like this is just a part job to you" I pointed out

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well from the looks of you, you seem to be the type of guy that has a good family and a well pay job" Not by the looks but by the research I did, made up the family part.. He is fucking his assistant.

"A very close friend died" Rich whispers

"Oh, that's too bad" I shrug and he looks at me like I killed someone. Did I? What did I do wrong? Show empathy, Evan! "I mean, it's too bad that he didn't live a long healthy life. May he head in peace"

"You mean rest?"

"Is that what they were saying?" I tilt my head in confusion. "Would you like to come go back to my place? Because it seems you would like the company" I put my plan into work and he seems shocked by my offer

"What about the bar?"

"Well I'm injured and you are just here, I think we are both okay" I smirk.

"Alright, let's go" Rich hesitantly accepts my offer. Let the fun began.

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