Close call-Not-

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Vanoss P.O.V-

I look at my radar, tracking the first truck that was straight ahead and the other one, to the right. 3 cars that were going after the first one and 4 cars after the right one. It seem that the second would be the most are exciting and I got to make a good impression.

I took a sharp left. Damn! It was suppose to be a right.

I grip my wheel in frustration, I barely got here and made a mistake. I could do a U-Turn if the cops weren't zooming past by me.

I drove down the street seeing a garage, there was a ramp here that was supposed to leading me where I needed to go and it's the only chance I got.

I drove up, hitting my car a couple times with the wall corners.

I step on the gas when I saw the ramp in sight. I drove straight towards it, full speed.

It had me flying over cops and some random cars and perfectly landed right behind the black truck.

I grab a C4 from the back of my seat and broke the car window with my elbow, getting ready to place the C4 behind the truck back doors.

I threw four of them, the red little lights blinking showing me where they had landed. Two were on the right door and two on the left door.

A bump from the back of my car, pushed me against the back of the truck, trapping me between them.

I tried breaking, trying to get out of this tight space but it did no good.

The truck doors soon open revealing two Night Crew solders, guns in their hand. I hid behind the steering wheel as they shot at my car.

I grab my SMG (small machine gun) and shot back at them. A body fell on my car, breaking the rest of the windshield and roll off from the roof.

My car going backwards, leaving the truck. I step on the gas coming back to it, the body must have roll of the car behind me setting me free.

I swerved to the driver side and push on the gas to get me close enough to the drive side. I shot the rest of the glass from my passenger side to get a better aim.

Once the driver was in sight, i pull the trigger. Few bullets firing at the driver door, I stop once I saw the driver's body goes limp, his head hitting the steering wheel.

The guy beside him, eyes full with anger, sadness and regret. He crawl over the his pattern dead body and had his gun pointing right at me as he controls the wheel, ready to shoot.

I shot the front tire before he could make his shot making the car turn sideways and fall then stood up back to fall again as if it was doing cartwheels.

I see grey and black cars swerved to the side, not wanting to get crush by the big rolly polly coming their way.

As soon the truck collided with the cop cars, I push the button hearing it explode behind me... cool guys don't look at explosion.

I drove off with the cars still following me. I grab another C4 to keep my plan intact when an explosion was heard from the other side of the buildings making stop my actions and see black thick smoke.

Must have been the guys that were going after the second truck...

I heard something pop that brought my attention back on the road. My eyes widen as I see cars blocking the street where I needed to go.

I heard metal scraping from behind me, my car going a bit out of control from the pop tire I now have.

I step on the break and coming to a complete stop see smoking all around me.

I could make my escape, the smoke blocking them from seeing me but also blocking me from seeing them.

I quickly got out my car before freezing when i heard a voice in the smoke.

"Lui!" I didn't know where it was coming from and it didn't matter at that point...

I stood completely still when a red dot appear on my chest, a sniper. I only moving my eyes to see my surroundings, breathing slowly not knowing what to do.

I was so curious about BBS and the shipment that I decide to cut my sweet time with my playday short. Ever heard of curious kill the cat, I'm the cat.

I close my eyes, breathing deeply. Out of the years I been in this "mission" never have I ever been in this type of situation where I don't know my enemies.

There is a first in everything

I open my eyes when the whispers started. The red dot still on my chest going in mini circles. I can see clearly that there was a abandoned building right in front of me, the only spot that doesn't have smoke covering me.

I can go fast enough to move and use the smoke for cover but the thick smoke quickly turn into fog. I make out figures around me, the only clear shot I have was right in front of me.

If I was quick enough I could dodge the bullet, good think I am.

The whisper stop and I knew they finish deciding something, this is my chance.

I ran zigzagging and heard something quickly fly right pass me.

"Shit, he's running!" I ran down the alley and another car was now at the end of it.

I counted 6 cars so far, they seem to be two seaters. The head count would be between 6 to 12 and counting the sniper it would be 7 to 13.

There is no telling if they drove with two people or if there is more dealing with the second car but there was an explosion.

I stop mid- way in the alley, there was a door leading in the building where the sniper(s) was. It isn't a good idea but with the people coming out of the smoke, it's all I have.

I was greeted with old rusty stairs that would probably not hold me when I opened the door.

A bang from behind made me lose my worries about falling and letting focus on not getting kill.

I ran up the stairs, floor 1, floor 2, floor 3, floor 4, hearing profanities and things breaking.

I stop once I heard footsteps coming towards and took a sharp left.

I ran in the middle of the room, exposed. The corner to my right was the darkest spot and also had a small hallway which I could use to escape.

I felt comfortable but not yet safe, I probably won't be even if it was the darkest spot on Earth. I examined my options only finding a bucket, rags and plastic.

I heard the footsteps getting louder and my anxiety creep up, the worries flowing through my mind, screaming.

I look up trying to get fresher air and noticed a pole. I climb on it reacting the stunt I did at the bar.

I felt safe immediately when I was crouching on pole, balancing myself.

"What do you mean 'he is coming my way'? I got him, hold on" I heard a voice and footsteps going down the stairs, passing me.

I let out a sigh of relief and grab on the pole, letting my body dangle before plopping down onto the ground.

"That was so close, holy shit. Though i was goner" I let my head hit the wall behind and held my stomach suddenly getting the urge to throw up from the close call I just now experienced.

"Right! So did i" I heard a kid's voice.

Made you look¡
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