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"Is this the house?" Delirious tilts his head towards the house that was doom to fall apart any second now.

"Yeah" I sigh. It has been like this for a while, he claims it to be a very strong house and he vows never leave it no matter what.

Even if it means the house would be torn apart or burn to the ground. 

"What does he do for a living again?" Delirious snickers.

"Trust me, he has about a million dollars in his vault" I stated.

"Vault?" Delirious ask.

"It's not here, he told me once" I lied. Trust me, it's right under his house, no one would bother looking under a filthy house.

"Well, could have been a good cover up" Delirious points out. Of course, he will consider that he is apart of a gang. "Does he works alone?"

"I don't know, really... I don't" I look at the door "He never spoke about his missions or getting unnecessary but wanted information"

"What do you mean by 'unnecessary but wanted'?"

"Well it's unnecessary to him, he literally gave me the folder since it meant nothing to him" I explain.

"Why get it?"

"I don't know" I started getting a headache, I knew the guy for a while now and it seems to me he knew anything about me but when it comes to him, I have no clue of what he does or how he does it. Just only about his past life not even how he ended up to where he is now 

"Let's go" Delirious open his side of the car but I stay still. It's not too late to turn back... "Vanoss, come on" I close my eyes, trying to calm my fear. I hated it so that's why I did it.

I open the car door slowly, the house distances became smaller and smaller as each step I took.

"You forgot to close the door!" Delirious yelled.

"Doesn't it matter?" I said through my gritted my teeth.

"I don't want a fucking raccoon in the rent car and claw the seats, it will cost more so yes. IT FUCKING MATTERS" Delirious complain.

"Shut up" I wince, I knew he heard us. A single movement and we will be dead. I wish everything just stop in time but I heard heavy footsteps behind me.

Why can't you just listen to me?

"Well?" Delirious came into my view "Come on" He turns around fully towards the house and walks. I stood there for a while, paranoid for my life.

Delirious approach the door, he knocked on it and it made the door open wide. I was confused until I realized what kind of person he is.

"DELIRIOUS, TAKE COVER" I scream and ran to the car, roll over the hood to get behind it.

"IT'S CUT OFF" I heard Delirious. Poking my head out, I see Delirious through the doorway not blown to pieces. 

"WHAT?" I question.

"IT CUT- GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE" Delirious snap at me. I huff in annoyance and stood up.

"I'm coming, I'm coming.. Jesus" I walk over to Delirious.

"Look" Delirious points at the claymore that had cut wires connecting to a press plate. "It didn't go off, whoever did it... disable it"


"I don't know but we should leave just in case we trip any traps" Delirious suggested.

"No," I said "I'm not leaving until I know what happen and where to find him" I know some traps not all of them, I have to find him even if he is in pieces.

"You are by yourself with this one" Delirious sigh.

"What happen to 'not leaving me alone'?" I scoff.

"I rather am alive when Night Crew comes crashing down, thank you very much" Delirious cross his arms "I'm hearing back to the car, last chance"

"I'm staying, I won't run. Just need to figure out what happen" I confess. Delirious look at me before humming in approval and walks out of the doorway.

I look around, the place was trashed- the same as always. I tip-toe around certain places where I remember the traps were.

I skip over a wire, dance around a pressure plate before stopping dead in my tracks. A bear trap was visible, not a right place for it but it must have been tied with another trap.

Looking around, I notice a log at my side connecting with a box that was connected to another wire a couple feet from me.

Testing it out, I move back carefully. I grab a loose wood plank from the house and trip the wire with it, hearing a click.

The log made a huge bang once it fell, the box leans, letting out tiny balls onto the ground and the bear trap snap, ending the trap once and for all.

The traps from here on out are waiting to be triggered and end a person's life. I move the tiny balls out of the way, making room to step.

I stop in the doorway to his "so call office". His desk was always cover with papers, books or just trash but his desk was clean this time. It was weird seeing a color that wasn't white. It was weird seeing a plain dusty wooden desk just sitting there.

I didn't move forward, this is his office the room that held his secrets or so he said. This will be the most second deadliest trap there is in this house, the first is the vault.

The room is clean, the trap had to be disabled. No way anyone could come in and steal what they like without being blasted or without disabling the alarm.

Unless he took everything with him, turn on all of the traps and alarms before leaving. I bet it took him awhile to step out of this house, the one where he grew up in and had many memories because he told me every single story about his childhood the one he claims he didn't have one.

But to me, I found them fascinating. To his mom's cherry pies, to his first time riding a bike, to his first kiss, to his first heartbreak and it leads up to his mother's death. That's where the stories stop and he never spoke about him again.    

And if he did leave, if he did make it, that would mean he is still alive. 


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